Coffee House Wednesday : Ellen Scordato
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Program is FREE to attend
About the Event
For this coming Coffee House Wednesday, Coffee House Club member Ellen Scoradto speaks about her work in publishing and as a partner of the prominent literary agency, Stonesong.
About the Speaker
Ellen Scordato is a partner in Stonesong. With more than 30 years’ experience in trade book publishing, she runs the production services division of Stonesong, which specializes in providing writing, editorial and production editorial, design, typesetting, layout, photo research, and file preparation services for commercial illustrated nonfiction to the Big Five publishers and others.
She specializes in tight deadlines, demanding clients, and complex, team-oriented project management. After three months at St. Martin’s Press college textbook division, Ellen joined the trade division of Charles Scribner’s Sons, then Chelsea House Publishers and Random House before coming to Stonesong in 1997.
She taught as an adjunct faculty member in English Language Studies at the New School for more than a decade and continues to teach as guest faculty at venues large and small. As an agent, she has a small list and is particularly interested in art, history, and mind/body/spirit titles. She graduated Wellesley College with a B.A. in Classics and Art History.