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M E M B E R   B E N E F I T S


C L U B   H O U S E

Use of our historic 1853 landmark town house, including access to the Club’s magnificent Victorian parlor, the members and their guests only dining room, the bar and use of our SCNY 1880’s vintage Union League pool tables.


D I N I N G   R O O M  A N D  B A R

Fine dining is available Tuesday through Friday, 5:00 to 8:30 PM (last call) for dinner, year round. Menus are posted on the Member Page of the website. Dining room reservations can be made via our website here.

The bar is open year round, Tuesday through Friday, 5:00 until 9:30 PM.

Play on the Club’s newly restored vintage pool tables!



Members have access to the historic Library and its collection of varied subject matter and art books originally organized by early club members. It is a serene, peaceful atmosphere to which members can retreat.


R E C I P R O C A L   R E L A T I O N S H I P S   &   M U S E U M

Use of Salmagundi reciprocal relationships for dining privileges or accommodations in both the U.S. and abroad. Contact our Club Secretary with any questions. This is among the most valuable of Salmagundi Member perks, the privilege of dining or renting a room at a number of Clubs internationally. For a list of these affiliates, click HERE.

SCNY is also a member of the North American Museum Reciprocal Association (NARM) offering discounts to venues all over North America.

Please contact our Club Secretary ( if you wish to visit a reciprocal organization or if your SCNY Membership Card does not have a NARM sticker attached.



The opportunity for artist members to submit to 10 or more SCNY juried exhibitions throughout the year. They include the Members’ Annual Exhibition, the historic Black and White Exhibition, an SCNY tradition since the 1870’s, the Holiday Thumb-Box Show and Sale, and our all important Fundraising Auctions.

Awards, cash and otherwise, are given for each SCNY exhibition. One or more exhibits during the year will be non-juried.


E V E N T S ,   L E C T U R E S ,   D E M O S T R A T I O N S
&   R E C E P T I O N S

Many events and receptions are for Members and their guests only, with some being open to the Public. You can find information about these in these “News You Can Use” emails as well as on the Salmagundi website. Many lectures, demonstrations, and other Club events are either free or are discounted for members. Workshops sponsored by the Club are also discounted.


P R O F I L E   P A G E

Every member, Artist and Patron/Lay, has the privilege of having a dedicated Member’s Profile page on the Salmagundi website. The profile page will automatically update with any artworks that were exhibited, exhibitions that the artist were a part of, or awards won at Salmagundi during your membership at the Club.

Please be aware that your Salmagundi profile will only archive activity at Salmagundi. If artists would like to direct viewers to other accomplishments and artworks, they may provide their website in their profile.



Host your own catered events at the Club with discounted rates.
50% discount for rental of the Patrons’ Gallery exhibition space.
10% discount of Main or Lower Gallery, or Parlor exhibition rentals (pending Board approval).
10% off the purchase of artwork from SCNY exhibitions (excluding the Auctions).
10% off the purchase of Air Float boxes for the shipping of art. Contact us for the promo code.

For any questions, please contact the Club Secretary at

B E C O M I N G  A  M E M B E R

Membership in Salmagundi Club opens the door to an exhilarating world of art: colorful gallery exhibitions; painting demonstrations by nationally recognized artists; classes in drawing and painting; and a host of social activities. As an artist-member you have the opportunity to exhibit your work in four to six exhibitions a year, including the Spring and Fall Auction Exhibitions in which members’ paintings are auctioned off for the mutual benefit of the artist and the Club. It also brings you in touch with other artist-members with similar interests and provides you with access to the Club’s extensive art library. Member dues are often paid for by proceeds earned from sales of artwork. Lay members to patron members with an interest in the world of art are welcomed and find the friendly atmosphere conducive to learning about art, including taking classes in drawing and painting, or just enjoying the relaxing and convivial Club House, home for numerous fun-filled social activities.

M E M B E R S H I P   C A T E G O R I E S

R E S I D E N T   A R T I S T  [ R A ]  O R   R E S I D E N T   P A T R O N  [ R P ]  M E M B E R S H I P

$1,050 annually, billed quarterly.

Resident members must reside within a 50-mile radius of New York City. Minimum House Charges are $100 every quarter.

N O N – R E S I D E N T   A R T I S T   [ N R A ]   O R   N O N – R E S I D E N T   P A T R O N   [ N R P ]   M E M B E R S H I P

$545.63 annually, billed semi-annually

Non-resident members must reside outside a 50-mile radius from the Club.

Non-resident members who wish to participate as officers or on committees can do so provided they:
a) reside within a 100-mile radius and
b) adhere to resident member dues.

J U N I O R   A R T I S T   [ J A ]   O R   J U N I O R   P A T R O N   [ J P ]   M E M B E R S H I P

$305 annually, billed quarterly (+ $15 per quarter minimum house charge for residents).

Applies to those who are between the ages of 31 and 35, resident or non-resident artist or patron.

S C H O L A R S H I P   A R T I S T   [ SCH ]   M E M B E R S H I P

No dues for 1st year, $75 after 1st year until the 31st birthday.   Accepted artists are required to submit to a minimum of two exhibitions annually.

Applies to resident or non-resident artist between the ages of 21 through 30.

The Scholarship and Junior programs were originally conceived by former Salmagundi Club President Junius Allen in the late 1950s, and it has remained a vital source for attracting new and talented young members since that time. The Scholarship and Junior Club members have a wide variety of talent that is demonstrated in works done in various mediums and subject matters. Many Salmagundi Club members, such as master portrait painters Daniel Greene and Everett Raymond Kinstler, were former scholarship and junior members. The scholarship program is for members from ages 21-30, and the Junior program is for members ages 31-35.

M E M B E R   S P O U S E   [ M S ]   M E M B E R S H I P
$275 annually, billed quarterly.

A member spouse has all the social privileges of the club, but may not exhibit artwork.

a room filled with lots of paintings and a piano.


Online application form


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