Elizabeth R Whelan [NRA 2019]

Artist member Elizabeth Whelan holding a palette and brushes


First name: Elizabeth ;
Middle name:
Last name:
  Whelan ;

Member: Non-resident artist member ;
2019 ;
n/a ;


Elizabeth R. Whelan is a UK-born artist and portrait painter. She was raised in Canada and completed her education in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Since then, the Chesapeake Bay and New England coastlines have been her home.

Whelan is fascinated by the stories of people of all types. She has become known for her ability to bring out the warmth and character of her sitter. Elizabeth does all she can to put her portrait subject at ease and make the experience relaxing and enjoyable.

She also enjoys historic portraiture and feels deeply about honoring those who have passed with post-humous portraits that speak to their legacy.

And her love of being on the water comes through in her marine and maritime artwork, with an emphasis on sailing.





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Document information

Document permalink:
http://salmagundi.org/artist/?p= 75248

Digital-born document number:

Record birth date:
December 28, 2019

Last updated: January 30, 2023 at 15:16 pm

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