Lou Lalli [EM 2010]
First name: Lou ;
Middle name: ;
Last name: Lalli ;
Member: Emeritus member ;
Begin: 2010 ;
End: n/a ;
The shaping and use of stone is a vital part of the human endeavor. The fashioning of tools and implements by stone age peoples, the votive Venus figures of the Neolithic period, cycladic sculpture of the eighth millennium BC, classical sculpture of Greece and Egypt and all the sculpture to the present indicates that stone sculpture is intrinsic to human expression.
Sculpting in stone directly links me to the people of the past. The subject and ideas I choose are derived from the past thus strengthening that link. The resolutions of the technical problems are the same that sculptors in the past confronted and solved. Although modern tools and implements facilitate my work I am still doing what all sculptors and stone carvers have done in the past; chipping, abrading and polishing the stone to release the form contained therein.
My ideas and subjects are borrowed from antiquity with each piece telling a story. Antiquity provides a wealth of resources for my work; warriors, the myths, Venus figures, beasts, demigods and shaman/priests are the subjects I appropriate. In executing an idea, the importance of light and shadow, through the use of negative space is a primary concern in the work. Some pieces attempt to stress movement, while the god and shaman/priest series attempts to evoke a sense of mysticism with surface and shape being of more importance. Each new stone, whether it is irregular or a rectangular cube of white Carrara or Belgian black, tells me what to do and even determines how I sculpt it.
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December 23, 2019
Last updated: December 9, 2024 at 16:11 pm