Ronald Trent Anderson [NRA 2001]

First name: Ronald ;
Middle name:
Trent ;
Last name:
Anderson ;

Member: Non-resident artist member ; 
2003? ;


ANDERSON, RONALD TRENT, artist, educator; b. Madison, Wis., October 10, l938. s.Delmar LeRoy and Violet A.; m. Barbara Groffman, June 9, 1962 (dec. 2006); 1 child, Brett Erland. BS in Art Edn., U. Wis., 1961, MS in Art, 1962, MFA, 1963. tchr. Waupun (Wis.) High Sch., 1961, tchg. asst. rural art program U. Wis., Madison, 1961-63; tchr. Bloom Twp. High Sch., Chgo. Heights, Illinois., 1963-67; asst. prof. art edn. Nova Scotia Coll. of Art and Design, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1967-69; tchr. Springfield (Mass.) Pub. Sch., 1969-2000. Solo exhbns. include Arts Unlimited Gallery, Milw.,1965, Bradley Gallery, Milw.,1967, Burnett Gallery, Amherst, Mass., 2005, retrospective U.Wis.-Madison, 2006, retrospective Westfield (Mass.) Coll.,2007; group shows include Smithsonian Instn., Washington, 1962, Ill. State Mus., Springfield, 1965, 1967, Nat. Design Ctr., Chgo, 1967, Dalhousie U., (N.S., Can.) 1967, Montreal Mus. Fine Arts., 1968, Boston Symphony Hall, 1992, Colorado Coll., Colorado Springs, 1998, Biennale Internazionale Dell’ Arte Contemporanea, Florence, Italy, 2005, numerous others; author: Pleasure of Discovery, 2008. Represented in permanent collections at U. Wis., Madison, Dalhousie U, Westfield (Mass.) Coll., Walter J. Kohler, Jr. family. work reproduced in Prize-Winning Watercolors, Books I and II, 1963, 1964, The Art Of Written Forms, 1969; Recipient Beacon award for excellence in edn. Springfield (Mass.) Sch. Com., 1992, 25 awards for painting and printmaking in juried art exhibits. U.S. and Can., Mass. Art Educator of Yr. award Mass. Art Edn. Assn., 1999, Sch. of Edn. Alumni Achievement Award U. Wis.-Madison., 2001; fellow Tchr.-Artist Program, The Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Found., 1998. Mem: NEA, Salmagundi Club (Rita Duis Meml. award and The Gene Magazzini Meml. award traditional oil 2003, Joseph DiMare award 2005, Elizabeth K. Ellis Artists’ Fellowship Award 2006, Gwynne Lennon Prize 2007, Margery Soroka Meml. award 2008); Phi Delta Kappa, Nat. Art Edn. Assn, Internat. Platform Assn. (First Prize for Graphics Exhbn. 1995, Best of Show award 2001), Lutheran. Avocations: studying the arts and humanities, foreign travel, bicycling, photography, fishing. Home: 9 Autumn Ln, Amherst MA 01002-3316





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Record birth date:
July 18, 2019

Last updated: December 6, 2022 at 10:37 am

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