Sue Barrasi [RA 2017]
First name: Sue ;
Middle name: ;
Last name: Barrasi ;
Member: Resident artist member ;
Begin: May 30, 2017 ;
End: n/a ;
Barrasi is an award winning artist whose work has been seen in juried, invitational, group and solo exhibits. She has been commissioned by publishers and advertising agencies to create artwork for postage stamps, book covers and men apparel. Her work has been juried into events around the country, has served as juror for National Juried Shows, teaches Adult and Children Painting classes and is represented by several galleries in the tri-State area. Barrasi is member of Oil Painters of America, lifetime member of the Art Students League, American Artists Professional League, Hopper House Art Center, Painting for Good Causes and is honored to become a resident member at the Salmagundi Club. “I love brushing strokes of energy on canvas. Painting is not just my passion but my addiction. I paint because it makes me a better person but it is my hope that my paintings spread joy to the viewer.”
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Record birth date:
June 17, 2021
Last updated: January 30, 2023 at 12:45 pm