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a black and white photo of a room with pictures on the wall.

P H O T O   A R C H I V E S

The photo collection is an amalgamation of scanned photographs that the library and club have gathered over its years.

The library owns several prepared volumes of photographs of its members. Volume 1 from ca.1901 or ca.1909 contains 150 black and white portrait photographs of members. Volume 2 from 1911 contains 152 black and white portrait photographs of members. Volume 3 from ca.1920 to ca.1930 contains 103 black and white portrait photographs of members. Finally, Volume 4 are cabinet card (carte de visite) photographs that number approximately 15 images most artists in their studios.

The library owns a collection of black and white photos in a bound scrapbook documenting jungle decorations of an exhibition ca.1940s or 1950s.

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