Jay Barksdale [RP 2021]
First name: Jay ;
Middle name: ;
Last name: Barksdale ;
Member: Resident patron member ;
Begin: 2021 ;
End: n/a ;
Born in Texas, and schooled in Philadelphia, I moved to NYC in 1979 to become a freelance musician (bassoon), which worked until 1984. In 1986 I received an MLS at Columbia University, after which I worked at The New York Public Library, mostly in the branches, but ended up at the Research Library on 42nd Street and retired in 2014.
My reading is mostly classic fiction, TLS & LRB, poetry, biography, and history. I am interested in other arts in general, but I collect a bit in the way of 20th-century prints (Robert Goodnough, Jim Dine, Ellsworth Kelly, etc., but an etching by Kathe Kollwitz is the latest) and 18th-century European porcelains. I enjoy gardens, good wine, and a well-made martini, and appreciate quiet, civilized places, such as the Salmagundi Club Library.
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September 22, 2022
Last updated: June 18, 2024 at 13:32 pm