Letter from the editor.



      ur over the top front cover shows the painting “Jester” by our former artist

Roger Rossi is an older gentleman wearing a sax collared button-down with a navy blazer. An enamel pin of the American flag is pinned to his blazer.

member William Merritt Chase which was featured in our Parlor for our Lineage Show. Our back cover is attributed to another  former artist member, Norman Rockwell titled ” One of Uncle Sam’s Assets”. The Lineage Show was a Salmagundi showcase  and sale telling of our heritage and those who followed the techniques of our forefathers last November in our Skylight Gallery, our Parlor, and our entrance hallway. A full article and images lie inside this issue.

In addition, this Salmagundian Member Magazine continues to feature profiles of our Artist Members who live across our country and range from Scholarship and Junior to Resident and Non-Resident members.
These stories encompass artist members who paint figurative and portrait, plein-air, landscapes, Southwestern, watercolor, and photography which shows the variety of our membership. In other words, one does not have to live in close proximity to our New York address to benefit from being a member. 
We also highlight our younger members of Junior and Scholarship age who held their annual exhibition in January of this year in our Rockwell Gallery. These young artists sent their art from around the country and even from Moldova where the artist actually took the canvases from their stretcher backings and rolled them up to stash in the overhead compartments of the airplane and flew to New York.
A follow up article about our Sculpture Competition tells of the five top winners who participated in a panel discussion that was highly informative.
Our magazine staff works each issue to cover the waterfront of Salmagundi members who paint in the style and themes of contemporary realism. As our organization is a non-stop day and night art destination, we try to give you the best of most of our events.
Roger Rossi.
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