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Historic timeline
“Minutes of the first meeting of the Salmagundi Sketch Club”, November, 1871.
Held at Leavitt Art Galleries, 817 Broadway, New York, NY, “First exhibition of original black and white drawings, sketches and etchings”, May 23-24, 1878.
“Friday meetings with thematic sketches”, June, 1878.
Held at Science Hall, New York, NY, “Exhibition of sketches in black and white showing mountains and seascapes [made from the summer]”, December 8-20?, 1878.
Held at Kurtz Art Gallery, Number 6, East 23rd Street, New York, NY, “First annual exhibition of original black and white drawings, sketches, etchings & c.”, February 12-28, 1879.
“Members create illustrations for The vision of Sir Launfal [about 12 sketches shown at the Club]”, [unknown date], 1879.
“Member create illustrations for Young artists’ life in New York [23 illustrations] published by J. B. Lippincott & co.”, December, 1879.
“31 active members and 2 honorary members”, January, 1880.
“Salmagundi Sketch Club, 20th Street and Broadway, New York, NY”, March, 1880.
American Art Gallery, 6 East 23rd Street, New York, NY, “Second annual exhibition of original black and white drawings, sketches, etchings, & c.”, January 19 – February 1, 1880.
“The Salmagundi Sketch Club and Black and White Society of America” incorporated February 23, 1880.
“Memorial exhibition and auction of Frederick Juengling, artist-engraver [1846-1889]”, March 3, 1880.
“Reception and entertainment in the decorated rooms of the Club including character sketches [50 members]”, March 26, 1880.
“Members prints to raise money for famine relief in Ireland”, May, 1880.
“Joseph Lauber [1855-1948] designs the printed invitation of Salmagundi Sketch Club”, 1880.
“Exhibition of the fireplace designed and executed by the club in Limoges tiles under the direction of Charles Volkmar”, November 30, 1880.
“Mr. George Inness The Salmagundi Sketch Club will be pleased to receive you”, December 17, 1880.
“Invitation cards issued by the Salmagundi Sketch Club [for Inness?]”, December 30, 1880.
National Academy of Design, 23rd Street and 4th Avenue, New York, NY, “Third annual exhibition of black and white art [69 sketches sold]”, December 18, 1880 – January 1, 1881.
“Invitation cards printed in Art Amateur [January issue]”, December 30, 1880.
“40 active members”, January, 1881.
National Academy of Design, New York, NY, “Third annual exhibition of black and white art”, December 18, 1880 – January 1, 1881. [Albany library has copy]
“Annual member meeting”, March 4, 1881.
Residence of Mr. G. L. Lee, Bragg Street, New York, NY, “Masquerade party”, March 8, 1881.
“Member contributions to the Art Amateur [June issue] including: a page of drawings from pictures in the Paris Salon, a page of invitation cards by George R. Halm, and a number of sketches by Leon and Percy Moran”, June, 1881.
National Academy of Design, New York, NY, “Fourth annual black and white exhibition”, December 1-21, 1881.
National Academy of Design, New York, NY, “Fifth annual exhibition of black and white art”, December 1-22, 1882. [Albany library & MFA Boston has copy]
“Annual member meeting”, March 3, 1883.
National Academy of Design, New York, NY, “Sixth annual exhibition of black and white art”, December 1-21, 1883.
“Annual oil exhibition”, [unknown date], 1884. [catalog missing]
“Annual auction sale of sketches”, [unknown date], 1884. [catalog missing]
National Academy of Design, New York, NY, “Seventh annual exhibition of black and white art”, December 10-23, 1884.
“First annual exhibition of works in oil”, [unknown date], 1885. [catalog missing]
“Annual auction sale of sketches”, [unknown date], 1885. [catalog missing]
“Monthly meeting”, November 6, 1885.
“Seventh black and white exhibition”, November 10, 1885.
“40 members”, 1886.
“Second annual exhibition of works in oil”, [unknown date]. 1886. [catalog missing]
“Annual auction sale of sketches”, [unknown date], 1886. [catalog missing]
National Academy of Design, New York, NY, “Eighth annual exhibition of black and white art”, [unknown date], 1886.
“Third annual exhibition of works in oil”, [unknown date], 1887. [catalog missing]
“Annual auction sale of sketches”, [unknown date], 1887. [catalog missing]
National Academy of Design, New York, NY, American art association, New York, NY?, “Ninth annual exhibition of black and white art”, January 26, 1887.
“Opening of the new building at 123 Fifth Avenue, H. W. Ranger master of ceremonies”, January 13, 1888.
“Water Color exhibition”, April, 1888.
“Fourth annual exhibition of works in oil”, [unknown date], 1888. [catalog missing]
“Annual auction sale of sketches”, [unknown date], 1888. [catalog missing]
1889 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Fifth annual exhibition of works in oil”, April 20-24. [partial catalog]
1889 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual auction sale of sketches”, [unknown date]. [catalog missing]
1889 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Sixth annual exhibition of works in oil”, [unknown date]. [catalog missing]
“Dinner to Edwin A. “Ned” Abbey on his return from London”, January 17, 1890.
“Annual auction sale of sketches”, [unknown date], 1890. [catalog missing]
“Dinner party for members in honor of the new location”, November 20, 1890.
“Salmagundi Club good olde house warming party”, November 21, 1890.
“Seventh annual exhibition of works in oil”, [unknown date], 1891. [catalog missing]
“Salmagundi Club moves to 49 West 22nd Street”, May 1, 1890.
“Annual auction sale of sketches”, [unknown date], 1891. [catalog missing]
“Eighth annual exhibition of works in oil”, [unknown date], 1892. [catalog missing]
“Annual auction sale of sketches”, [unknown date], 1892. [catalog missing]
“Ninth annual exhibition of works in oil”, [unknown date], 1893. [catalog missing]
“Annual auction sale of sketches”, [unknown date], 1893. [catalog missing]
“Tenth annual exhibition of works in oil”, [unknown date], 1894. [catalog missing]
“Annual auction sale of sketches”, [unknown date], 1894. [catalog missing]
“Eleventh annual exhibition of works in oil”, [unknown date], 1895. [catalog missing]
“An artistic revelry with a nickel-in-the-slot innovation dinner”, April 21, 1895.
“Annual auction sale of sketches”, [unknown date], 1895. [catalog missing]
“Bohemian dinner”, 1896.
“Twelfth annual exhibition of works in oil”, [unknown date], 1896. [catalog missing]
“Annual auction sale of sketches”, [unknown date], 1896. [catalog missing]
“Annual auction sale of sketches”, [unknown date], 1897. [catalog missing]
“Exhibition of oil and watercolor”, November 19-December 4, 1897.
“Members’ work”, November 22, 1897.
“Tile party”, January 14, 1898.
“Front hall of the Club decorating authorized”, January 24, 1898.
“Exhibition of water colors”, February 10-20, 1898.
“Annual auction sale of sketches”, [unknown date], 1898. [catalog missing]
“Exhibition of oil and watercolor”, [unknown date], 1898. [catalog missing]
“Business meeting #1”, January 6, 1899.
“Annual winter exhibition”, January 22, 1899.
“Annual dinner for former presidents”, January 24, 1899.
“Business meeting #2”, February 3, 1899.
“Black and white exhibition”, February 27- , 1899.
“Business meeting #3”, March 3, 1899.
“Annual meeting”, March 3, 1899.
“Dinner”, March 13, 1899.
“Business meeting #4”, April 6, 1899.
“Sketches auction”, April 11, 1899.
“Black and white exhibition”, April 14-28, 1899.
“Business meeting #5”, May 5, 1899.
“Bi-monthly dinner & sale of mugs”, May 9, 1899.
“Summer member exhibition”, [summer], 1899.
“1st annual mug sale”, May, 1899.
“Business meeting #6”, October 6, 1899.
“Business meeting #7”, November 3, 1899.
“Dinner to sculptors of the Dewey Arch”, November 7, 1899.
“Business meeting #8”, December 1, 1899.
“Dinner to mural painters connected with the Dewey celebration”, December 6, 1899.
“Black and white exhibition”, January 26, 1900.
“Catalogue of sketches – stag auction”, February 6-9, 1900. [81 sold]
“Annual meeting”, March 2, 1900.
“Exhibition of water colors”, March 30 – April 5, 1900.
“Annual library dinner with sale of mugs”, April 13, 1900.
“Exhibition of Shaw prize pictures”, April 20, 1900.
“Annual meeting and dinner of Artists’ Fund Society”, April 21 1900.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings by members”, April 27 – May 3, 1900. W. F. Proctor prize for best figure to E. I. Couse for Digging potatoes ; George Inness prize for best picture (non-figurative) to F. De Haven for Nightfall.
“Annual water color exhibition”, December 1-6, 1900.
“Monthly meeting”, January 4, 1901.
“Annual auction of sketches by members”, January 8-15, 1901. [114 paintings sold]
“Monthly meeting”, February 1, 1901.
“Annual member meeting”, March 2, 1901.
“Annual member oil exhibition”, March 22-31, 1901.
“Monthly meeting”, April 5, 1901.
“Exhibition of paintings by Franklin De Haven”, April 30-May 2, 1901.
“Monthly meeting”, May 3, 1901.
“Monthly meeting”, June 7, 1901.
“Monthly meeting”, October 4, 1901.
“Monthly meeting”, November 1, 1901.
“Monthly meeting”, December 6, 1901.
“Annual black and white exhibition”, December, 1901.
“Annual auction of sketches by members”, January 23-24, 1902, submissions by January 1, 1902. [120 paintings sold]
“Annual member oil exhibition”, February 14-21, 1902.
“Annual exhibition of water colors”, March 14-22, 1902.
“Annual watercolor exhibition”, January, 1903.
“Annual auction of sketches by members”, January 30-31, 1903.
“Annual member oil exhibition”, February 14-26, 1903.
“Annual black and white exhibition”, March, 1903.
“Exhibition of paintings by A. T. Van Laer”, March 24-28, 1903.
“Annual library dinner with sale of mugs”, April?, 1903.
“Exhibition of the works of George H. McCord”, [unknown date], 1903.
“Exhibition of the works of Walter Shirlaw”, [unknown date], 1903.
“Exhibition of the works of A. T. Van Laer”, [unknown date], 1903.
“Exhibition of portraits & miniatures from the Charleston Exposition”, [unknown date], 1903.
“Paintings by Walter Shirlaw, N.A.”, December, 1903.
“Water color and pastels”, December 12-19, 1903.
“Exhibition of pastels by George H. McCord and paintings by Charles F. Naegle”, January 8-17, 1904.
“Pictures and sketches to be sold at auction exhibition“, January 23-28, auction 29-30, 1904.
“Annual dinner and auction sale of mugs“, January, 1904.
“Dinner to the Tile Club given by the Salmagundi Club”, February 2, 1904.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings and sculptures“, February 15-27, 1904.
“Portraits by Nicholas R. Brewer”, March 2, 1904.
“Annual exhibition of paintings in black and white”, March 19-26, 1904.
“Exhibition of paintings by Charles Warren Eaton and C. W. Hawthorne”, April, 1904.
“Exhibition of water color and pastels”, December 24, 1904. [missing catalog]
“26th Yearly Exhibition, Group Exhibition – Paintings by Gifford Beal, Emil Carlsen, Paul Dougherty, Robert D. Gauley, Albert L. Groll, Charles W. Hawthorne, and Frederick Ballard Williams“, December 1904 – January 15, 1905.
“14 W 12th Street, New York, NY”, 1905
“Auction sale of sketches”, January 15, 1905.
“Pictures and sketches to be sold at auction exhibition“, January 21-26, auction 27-28, 1905.
“Oils and water colors”, February 13-25, 1905.
“Dinner tendered to Charles Webster Hawthorne by Samuel T. Shaw”, March 15, 1905.
“Annual exhibition of black and white”, March 18-25, 1905.
“Business legal name change from Salmagundi Sketch Club to Salmagundi Club”, filed August 11, 1905.
“A costume dinner J. Sanford Saltus at the Salmagundi Club”, November 28, 1905.
“Water color and pastels”, December 9-23, 1905.
1906 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual exhibition of oils paintings”, February 12-24.
1906 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual exhibition of oil paintings and sculptures“, February 15-27.
1906 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual auction sale of pictures”, February 25. [missing catalog]
1906 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Dinner to Sir C. Purdon Clarke”, February 27.
1906 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Dinner tendered to Edward Potthast by Samuel T. Shaw”, [unknown date].
1906 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual black and white exhibition”, March 17-24.
1906 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Watercolors”, December 8-22.
1907 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Pictures and sketches to be sold at auction exhibition”, January 12-17, auction 18-19.
1907 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Auction sale of pictures and sketches and palette”, January 18-19.
1907 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual exhibition of oil paintings and sculptures“, February 11-23.
1907 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Exhibition and auction sale of pictures”, February 25.
1907 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Dinner tendered to Paul King by Samuel T. Shaw”, [unknown date].
1907 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Pictures in black and white”, March 16-23.
1907 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Dinner in honor of the curators and directors of the Public Art Galleries of America”, April 3.
1907 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Watercolors and pastels”, December 9-23.
1907 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Indian picture by Frederick Monsen”, December.
1908 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Harry Vincent dinner”, January 29.
1908 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, February 2-9.
1908 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Exhibition and auction sale of pictures”, February 25. [missing catalog]
1908 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Dinner tendered to Franklin K. M. Rehn by Samuel T. Shaw”, [unknown date].
1908 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Special exhibition of twenty artists”, March 7-14.
1908 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Pictures in black and white”, March 21-28.
1908 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “A testimonial dinner given to Mr. A. T. Van Laer by his old friends in the Salmagundi Club over whom he has long pre-sided”, April 4.
1908 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Thumb-box sketches”, April 5-15.
1908 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Illustrations”, November 9-14.
1908 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Watercolor and pastels”, December 8-24.
1909 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual dinner and auction sale of mugs“, January?.
1909 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Sketches”, January.
1909 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual exhibition and auction sale of pictures exhibition”, February 6-12, auction 12-13.
1909 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Frank Russell green dinner”, February 24.
1909 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, February 27 – March 13.
1909 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Dinner tendered to Paul Cornoyer by Samuel T. Shaw”, April 1.
1909 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Pictures in black and white”, April 2-10.
1909 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Thumb-box sketches”, April 17-24.
1909 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Summer exhibition of pictures“, June – July.
1909 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Memorial exhibition of pictures by Cowles Myles Collier”, November 8-14.
1909 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Field studies of American big game by Carl Rungius”, November 22-28.
1909 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Exhibition of water colors and pastels”, December 18-24. [catalog missing]
1910 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Paintings by Charles Austin Needham”, January 18-30.
1910 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Sketches by members”, February 5-11.
1910 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Auction sale of pictures”, February 11-12,. [missing catalog]
1910 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Dinner tendered to Gifford Beal by Samuel T. Shaw”, February 24.
1910 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, February 26 – March 12.
1910 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Black and white exhibition”, March 18-26.
1910 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Thumb-box sketches”, April 8-16.
1910 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, October 7.
1910 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, November 4.
1910 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, December 2.
1910 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Watercolors”, December 3-14.
1911 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, January 6.
1911 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, February 3.
1911 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Sketches by members”, February.
1911 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Auction sale of sketches by members”, February 2-3. [missing catalog]
1911 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Dinner tendered to F. Luis Mora by Samuel T. Shaw”, February 22.
1911 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, February 25 – March 11.
1911 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual meeting”, March 3.
1911 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Black and white exhibition”, March.
1911 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, April 7.
1911 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Thumb-box sketches”, April 8-22.
1911 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual get-away dinner”, May 1.
1911 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, May 5.
1911 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, June 2.
1911 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, October 6.
1911 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, November 3.
1911 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, December 1.
1911 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Exhibition of water colors and pastels”, December 6-17.
1912 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, January 5.
1912 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Black and white exhibition”, January 13-24.
1912 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, February 2.
1912 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual auction of sketches”, February 10-17.
1912 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual member meeting”, March 1.
1912 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Dinner tendered to William J. Aylward by Samuel T. Shaw”, March 13.
1912 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual exhibition of paintings and sculpture”, March 15-21.
1912 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, April 5.
1912 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, May 3.
1912 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, June 7.
1912 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, October 4.
1912 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, November 1.
1912 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, December 6.
1912 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Exhibition of water colors and pastels”, December 11-18.
1913 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, January 3.
1913 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual exhibition and auction sale of pictures”, January 15-24.
1913 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Association of American Etchers”, January 27 – February 1. [100 works by 24 etchers]
1913 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, February 7.
1913 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Dinner tendered to William J. Hays by Samuel T. Shaw”, 1913.
1913 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual black and white exhibition, illustrations and etchings”, February 15-23.
1913 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual member meeting”, March 7.
1913 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, March 15-30.
1913 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Paintings”, April 2.
1913 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, April 4.
1913 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Paintings by Bellows, Henri and Sloan”, April 16 – May 10.
1913 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Thumb-box sketches”, April 19-30.
1913 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, May 2.
1913 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “An exhibition of Italian posters from the collection of Mr. Henry Lawrence Sparks”, May 10-17.
1913 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, June 6.
1913 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, October 3.
1913 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, November 7.
1913 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “94 oil paintings by Charles Vezin”, November 22.
1913 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, December 5.
1913 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual watercolor exhibition”, December 13-21.
1914 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, January 2.
1914 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Etchings and illustrations”, January 17-25.
1914 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, February 6.
1914 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Exhibition and auction of sketches by members”, February 11-20.
1914 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual member meeting”, March 6.
1914 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Dinner tendered to W. Granville Smith by Samuel T. Shaw”, March 12.
1914 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, March 14-25.
1914 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, April 3.
1914 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Works by members passed by a jury”, April 4-14.
1914 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, May 1.
1914 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Thumb-box sketches”, April 25 – May 6.
1914 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, June 5.
1914 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, October 2.
1914 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, November 6.
1914 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, December 4.
1914 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual exhibition of water colors, pastels, illustrations and etchings”, December 12-22.
“Meeting: Monthly meeting”, January 1, 1915.
“Meeting: Monthly meeting”, February 5, 1915.
“Dinner: tendered to Charles Rosen by Samuel T. Shaw”, [unknown date], 1915.
“Meeting: Annual member meeting”, March 5, 1915.
“Exhibition / Auction: Exhibition and auction of member painted Louis XVI-style jewel boxes [in lieu of the annual painted mug sale]“, March 1-8, 1915.
“Exhibition: Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, March 15-26, 1915.
“Lecture: Discoveries on Upper Manhattan Island” by Reginald Pelham Bolton, March 31, 1915 @ 8:15 pm.
“Exhibition: Exhibition of sculptures by James E. Fraser and paintings by Ernest Albert, Elliot Clark, John Folinsbee, Leon Kroll, Louis Kronberg, and Robert Vonnoh”, March 22 – April 3, 1915.
“Meeting: Monthly meeting”, April 4, 1915.
“Meeting: Monthly meeting”, May 7, 1915.
“Meeting: Monthly meeting”, June 4, 1915.
“Meeting: Monthly meeting”, October 1, 1915.
“Exhibition: Annual exhibition of water colors, pastels, illustrations and etchings”, December 10-23, 1915. [163 exhibits]
“Lecture: Lantern slides of New York” by J. B. Carrington, January 28, 1916.
“Dinner: [untitled]”, January 28, 1916.
“Auction: Annual auction sale of sketches”, February 9-18, 1916.
“Dinner: tendered to Howard Giles by Samuel T. Shaw”, March 9, 1916.
“Lecture: Tendencies in Modern Art” by Frederick James Gregg, March 24, 1916 @ 8:15pm.
“Exhibition: Annual exhibition of oil paintings“, March 13-23, 1916. [165 exhibits]
“Films: Collection of films by the Vitagraph Company” sponsored by Commodore Blackton, April 7, 1916.
“Opening: Stag opening for Thumbbox exhibition”, April 14, 1916.
“Exhibition: Thumbbox exhibition”, April 15-27, 1916.
“Dinner: Special dinner for the ladies”, April 23, 1916.
“Closing: Closing of the Thumbbox exhibition”, April 27, 1916.
“Exhibition: Retrospective exhibition by the Fakirs”, May 15, 1916.
“Meeting: Member meeting”, June 2, 1916.
“Meeting: Admission committee meeting”, October 4, 1916.
“Meeting: Member meeting”, October 6, 1916.
“Meeting: Executive committee meeting”, October 13, 1916.
“Dinner: Get together dinner”, October 31, 1916.
“Meeting: Monthly member meeting”, November 3, 1916.
“Lecture: Fertile Argentina and its vast Patagonian Pampas” by Charles Wellington Furlong, F.R.G.S, November 5, 1916 @ 9:00 pm.
“Meeting: Meeting of the executive committee”, November 10, 1916.
“Lecture: The subconscious over the conscious mind” by Jacques Romano, November 17, 1916.
“Meeting: Meeting of the executive committee”, November 24, 1916.
“Lecture: The painted word” by David N Carvalho, November 24, 1916.
“Opening: Stag opening for Annual exhibition of watercolor, pastels, illustrations and etchings”, December 8, 1916.
“Exhibition: Annual exhibition of watercolor, pastels, illustrations and etchings”, December 8-23, 1916.
“Diner: With the members of the National Academy of Design”, December 15, 1916.
“Lecture: Town troubles” by Theodore D Rousseau, December 22, 1916.
“Exhibition: Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, January – March, 1917.
“Event: Christmas tree stag [cancelled due to boiler issue]”, January 3, 1917.
“Meeting: Admission committee meeting”, January 4, 1917.
“Meeting: Membership meeting”, January 5, 1917.
“Diner: [untitled]”, January 12, 1917.
“Lecture: Art and the people” by Otto H Kahn, January 12, 1917.
“Lecture: The lure of the sketchbook” by James P Haney, January 19, 1917.
“Meeting: Executive committee”, January 12, 1917.
“Meeting: Executive committee”, January 26, 1917.
“Lecture: The National Guard in Mexico” by Captain Wade H Hayes, January 26, 1917.
“Dinner: Annual library mug dinner with William Henry Shelton as guest of honor”, January 30, 1917.
“Exhibition: Auction exhibition”, February 6, 1917 with auctions February 14-16, 1917.
“Exhibition: Annual exhibition of member pictures”, February 7-16, 1917.
“Auction: Annual auction sale”, February 9, 1917.
“Meeting: Executive committee meeting”, February 9, 1917.
“Dinner: Ladies’ Dinner”, February 11, 1917.
“Meeting: To vote on buying the brownstone for the club at 47 Fifth Avenue”, February 19, 1917.
“Meeting: Executive committee meeting”, February 23, 1917.
“Lecture: Forest and landscape conservation with films and Commodore James Stuart Blackton presents Paul Blackton’s stories of country life” by George D Pratt, February 23, 1917.
“Dinner: in honor of George de Forest Brush”, February 27, 1917.
“Meeting: Admissions committee meeting”, February 28, 1917.
“Meeting: Annual meeting of membership”, March 2, 1917.
“Dinner: tendered to Daniel Garber by Samuel T. Shaw”, March 8, 1917.
“Meeting: Executive committee meeting”, March 9, 1917.
“Opening: Exhibition of oil paintings stag”, March 9, 1917.
“Opening: Private view and ladies reception of the annual oil exhibition”, March 10, 1917.
“Exhibition: Annual oil exhibition”, March 12-24, 1917.
“Dinner: Monthly ladies dinner”, March 18, 1917.
“Meeting: Executive committee meeting”, March 30, 1917.
“Lecture: Birds and bird life” by Ernest Ingersoll, March 30, 1917.
“Auction: Special auction for the benefit of the new club house fund”, April 4-14, 1917.
“Exhibition: Thumb-box exhibition”, April 13-28? or 21-30, 1917.
“Dinner: Get away dinner”, May 15, 1917.
“Meeting: Monthly meeting”, October 5, 1917.
“Meeting: Executive meeting”, October 12, 1917.
“Meeting: Executive meeting”, October 26, 1917.
“Meeting: Monthly meeting”, November 2, 1917.
“Meeting: Executive meeting”, November 9, 1917.
“Meeting: Executive committee”, November 30, 1917.
“Meeting: Monthly meeting”, December 7, 1917.
“Meeting: Executive committee”, December 14, 1917.
“Meeting: Executive committee”, December 28, 1917.
“Exhibition: Annual exhibition of water colors, pastels, illustrations and etchings”, December 22, 1917 – January 5, 1918. [catalog missing]
1917-1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual exhibition of water colors, pastels, illustrations and etchings”, December 22, 1917 – January 5, 1918.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, January 4.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Executive committee”, January 11.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Executive committee”, January 25.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, February 1.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Executive committee”, February 8.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual exhibition and auction sale of small pictures”, February 6-15. [215 pictures]
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Executive committee”, February 22.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual member meeting”, March 1.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Dinner tendered to Bruce Crane by Samuel T. Shaw”, March 7.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Executive committee”, March 8.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Annual exhibitions of oil paintings”, March 9-23.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Executive committee”, March 29.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, April 5.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Executive committee”, April 12.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Special exhibition and auction sale for the benefit of the club building fund”, April 12-19. [137 pictures]
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Thumb-box exhibition”, April 13-27. [435 exhibits]
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Executive committee”, April 26.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, May 3.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Executive committee”, May 10.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Executive committee”, May 31.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, June 7.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, October 4.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Executive committee”, October 11.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Executive committee”, October 25.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, November 1.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Executive committee”, November 8.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Executive committee”, November 29.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Monthly meeting”, December 6.
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Executive committee”, December 13,
1918 Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, “Executive committee”, December 27.
“Monthly meeting”, January 3, 1919.
“Executive committee”, January 10, 1919.
“Executive committee”, January 31, 1919.
“Monthly meeting”, February 7, 1919.
“Annual exhibition and auction sale of pictures”, February 5-14, auction sale February 12-14, 1919.
“Executive committee”, February 14, 1919.
“Executive committee”, February 28, 1919.
“Monthly meeting”, March 7, 1919.
“Dinner tendered to Henry B. Snell by Samuel T. Shaw”, 1919.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, March 8-22, 1919.
“Get-away dinner & party ‘A costume dance and supper'”, March 11, 1919.
“Executive committee”, March 14, 1919.
“Executive committee”, March 28, 1919.
“Monthly meeting”, April 4, 1919.
“Executive committee”, April 11, 1919.
“Executive committee”, April 25, 1919.
“Monthly meeting”, May 2, 1919.
“Executive committee”, May 9, 1919.
“Executive committee”, May 30, 1919.
“Monthly meeting”, June 6, 1919.
“Monthly meeting”, October 3, 1919.
“Executive committee”, October 10, 1919.
“Executive committee”, October 31, 1919.
“Exhibition of work by eight artist, seven painters and one sculptor”, January 25 – February 20, 1920.
“Auction”, February 2-11, 1920.
“Annual exhibition and auction sale of pictures”, February 5-14, 1920.
“Exhibition of a group of sculptures by James Earle Fraser and paintings by Ernest Albert, Eliot Clark, John Folinsbee, Leon Kroll, Louis Kronberg and Robert Vonnoh”, ? – March 4, 1920.
“1919-1920 annual oil exhibition”, March 6-20, 1920.
“Exhibition of thumb-box sketches”, April 10-24, 1920.
“Memoriam : Augustus Buhler [1853-1920]”, April 18, 1920.
“Dinner tendered to Ivan G. Olinsky by Samuel T. Shaw”, 1920.
“Executive committee meeting”, May 3, 1921.
“Monthly meeting”, May 6, 1921.
“Get-away dinner”, May 13, 1921.
“Opening of summer exhibition of oil paintings”, May 14, 1921.
“Admissions committee meeting”, May 17, 1921.
“Executive committee meeting”, May 17, 1921.
“Meeting of the art committee”, May 31, 1921.
“Memoriam : Mathias Sandor [1857-1920] SC 1898”, November 3, 1920.
“Exhibition of paintings by the past presidents of the Salmagundi Club”, January 8-28, 1921.
“Annual exhibition and auction sale of pictures”, February 2-11, 1921.
“1920-1921 Annual oil exhibition”, March 5-19, 1921.
“Dinner tendered to George Elmer Browne by Samuel T. Shaw”, 1921.
“Exhibition of paintings by Ernest Albert, Alexander Bower, Howard Giles, Oliver Dennett Grover, Victor Higgins, Walter Ufer and Robert Vonnoh”, March 21 – April 2, 1921
“Summer exhibition”, May 14 – October 1, 1921.
“J. Francis Murphy, N. A., 1853-1921, memorial exhibition at the Salmagundi Club”, May 13 – October 1, 1921 or November 12-26, 1921.
“Fiftieth Anniversary dinner”, October 31, 1921.
“Annual thumb-box exhibition”, December 3-24, 1921.
“Auction”, [unknown date], 1922. [missing catalog]
“Dinner tendered to Edmund Greacen by Samuel T. Shaw”, March 2, 1922.
“1922 the annual exhibition of oil paintings”, March 4-18, 1922.
“Annual exhibition of water color, illustrations and etchings”, April 8-22, 1922.
“Summer exhibition”, May 13 – October 1, 1922.
“Get together dinner”, October 27, 1922.
“Annual dinner and auction sale of mugs”, January ?, 1923.
“Exhibition of paintings Max Bohm, G. Glenn Newell, Timothy F. Crowley”, February 10-24, 1923.
“Dinner tendered to George Pearse Ennis by Samuel T. Shaw”, March 1, 1923.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, March 3-27, 1923.
“Auction”, [unknown date], 1923. [missing catalog]
“Reception, summer exhibition”, May 5, 1923.
“Summer exhibition”, May 5 – October, 15, 1923.
“Get-away dinner”, May 11, 1923.
“Get-together dinner”, October 26, 1923.
“Black and white exhibition”, November 3-22, 1923.
“Stag, thumbbox exhibition”, November 29, 1923.
“Thumb-box exhibition”, November 29 – December 1, 1923.
“Reception, thumbbox exhibition”, December 1, 1923.
“Ladies’ dinner”, December 16, 1923.
“Christmas dinner and tree”, December 21, 1923.
“New Year’s Eve costume dance”, December 31, 1923.
“Lecture by Stephen B Grancfay on Medieval Art and Armor”, January 11, 1924.
“A night in old Spain”, January 18, 1924.
“Stag, auction exhibition”, January 25, 1924.
“Reception, auction exhibition”, January 26, 1924.
“Auction exhibition”, January 26 – February 8, 1924. [missing catalog]
“Illustrated lecture on ‘The Golden West’ by Stephen S Johnson”, February 1, 1924.
“Exhibition of paintings Max Bohm, G. Glenn Newell and Timothy F. Crowley”, February 10-24, 1924.
“Stag, decorative arts exhibition”, February 15, 1924.
“Reception, decorative arts exhibition”, February 16, 1924.
“Decorative arts exhibition”, February 16-29, 1924.
“Dinner to Mr. Walter Damrosch”, February 29, 1924.
“Dinner tendered to Frank Tenney Johnson by Samuel T. Shaw”, March 6, 1924.
“Stag, oil exhibition”, March 7, 1924.
“Reception, oil exhibition”, March 8, 1924.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, March 8-29, 1924.
“Illustrated lecture on the Yellowstone Park”, March 21, 1924.
“Stag, water color exhibition”, April 11, 1924.
“Reception, water color exhibition”, April 12-26, 1924.
“Library dinner and mug sale”, April 25, 1924.
“Reception, summer exhibition”, May 2, 1924.
“Get-away dinner ‘Motion picture night'”, May 9, 1924.
“Tony Sarg’s Marionettes for club members”, October 17, 1924.
“Tony Sarg’s Marionettes for children of members”, October 18, 1924.
“Stag, black and white exhibition”, November 6, 1924.
“Reception, black and white exhibition”, November 7, 1924.
“Stag, thumbbox exhibition”, November 28, 1924.
“Reception, thumbbox exhibition”, November 29, 1924.
“Ladies’ dinner, lecture by Col C W Furlong”, December 7, 1924.
“Lecture by F W Weber on ‘The chemistry of art pigments'”, December 12, 1924.
“Christmas dinner and tree”, December 29, 1924.
“New Year’s Eve costume dance”, December 31, 1924.
“Christmas entertainment repeated for ladies”, January 9, 1925.
“Stag, auction exhibition”, January 24, 1925.
“Reception, auction exhibition”, January 25, 1925.
“Auction”, [unknown date], [likely January 25 – February? ?, 1925]. [missing catalog]
“Dinner tendered to John Edward Costigan by Samuel T. Shaw”, February 12, 1925.
“Stag, oil exhibition”, February 13, 1925.
“Reception, oil exhibition”, February 14, 1925.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, February 14-28, 1925.
“Donnybrook fair ‘Irish night'”, March 6, 1925.
“‘Irish night’ repeated for ladies”, March 9, 1925.
“Dinner in honor of Ringland F Kilpatrick”, March 28, 1925.
“Stag, decorative arts exhibition”, April 10, 1925.
“Auction”, January 24 – February 5, 1926.
“Annual auction & exhibition”, February 3-5, 1926.
“Dinner tendered to Roy Brown by Samuel T. Shaw”, February 11, 1926.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, February 14-25, 1926.
“Informal dinner for art dealers”, March 25, 1926.
“Summer exhibition”, May 8 – October 15, 1926.
“Get-away dinner”, May 14, 1926.
“Stag black and white exhibition dinner”, November 5, 1926.
“Black and white exhibition”, November 5-20, 1926.
“Thumbbox exhibition”, November 26 – December 1926.
“Reception, thumbbox exhibition”, November 27, 1926.
“Tony Sarg’s premiere of ‘Ali Baba'”, November 27, 1926.
“Ladies dinner”, December 12, 1926.
“Christmas dinner and tree”, December 21, 1926.
“New Year’s Eve costume dance”, December 31, 1926.
“Stag, auction exhibition”, January 21, 1927.
“Auction exhibition”, January 21 – February 4, 1927.
“Reception, auction exhibition”, January 22, 1927.
“Dinner tendered to Chauncey F. Ryder by Samuel T. Shaw”, February 10, 1927.
“Stag, oil exhibition”, February 11, 1927.
“Annual oil exhibition”, February 11 – March 4, 1927.
“Reception, oil exhibition”, February 12, 1927.
“Ladies’ dinner and entertainment”, February 20, 1927.
“Stag, watercolor exhibition”, March 11, 1927.
“Water color exhibition”, March 12-30, 1927.
“Lecture by Herbert Faulkner, 1902-1968”, March 23, 1927.
“Round table dinner, artists and dealers”, March 25, 1927.
“Library finner & Powell’s picture followed by stag of small painting show”, April 8, 1927.
“Small pictures exhibition (1st annual)”, April 8-29, 1927.
“Ladies’ dinner and musicale”, April 24, 1927.
“Summer exhibition”, May 7 – October 15, 1927.
“Get-away dinner”, May 13, 1927.
“Stag, black and white exhibition”, October 28, 1927.
“Black and white exhibition”, October 28 – November 13, 1927.
“Get-together dinner”, November 11, 1927.
“Stag, watercolor exhibition”, November 25, 1927.
“Watercolor exhibition”, November 25 – December 16, 1927.
“Christmas dinner and tree”, December 23, 1927.
“New Year’s Eve costume dance”, December 31, 1927.
“Stag, auction exhibition”, January 20, 1928.
“Annual exhibition and auction sale of pictures”, January 20 – February 2, 1928.
“Reception, auction exhibition”, January 21, 1928.
“Ladies’ dinner”, January 29, 1928.
“Stag, oil exhibition”, February 10, 1928.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, February 10 – March 2, 1928.
“Reception, oil exhibition”, February 11, 1928.
“Ladies’ dinner and entertainment”, February 26, 1928.
“Stag, thumbbox exhibition”, March 9, 1928.
“Exhibition of thumb-box sketches”, March 9-30, 1928.
“Reception, thumbbox exhibition”, March 10, 1928.
“Library dinner”, April 11, 1928.
“Stag, small pictures exhibition”, April 13, 1928.
“Annual exhibition of small pictures”, April 13-27, 1928.
“Reception, small pictures exhibition”, April 14, 1928.
“Dinner to Mr. Samuel T Shaw”, April 20, 1928.
“Summer exhibition of pictures”, May 4 – October 15, 1928.
“Get-away dinner”, May 18, 1928.
“Stag, black and white exhibition”, October 26, 1928.
“Black and white exhibition”, October 26 – November 9, 1928.
“Election returns”, November 6, 1928.
“Get-together dinner”, November 9, 1928.
“Stag, watercolor exhibition”, November 23, 1928.
“Reception, watercolor exhibition”, November 24, 1928.
“Watercolor exhibition”, November 24 – December 14, 1928.
“Dinner tendered to Gerald Leake by Samuel T. Shaw”, 1928.
“Auction”, [unknown date], 1928. [missing catalog]
“Christmas dinner and tree”, December 21, 1928.
“New Year’s Eve costume dance”, December 31, 1928.
“Stag, auction exhibition”, January 18, 1929.
“Auction exhibition”, January 18-31, 1929.
“Reception, auction exhibition”, January 19, 1929.
“Ladies’ dinner”, January 27, 1929.
“Stag, thumbbox exhibition”, February 8, 1929.
“Reception, thumbbox exhibition”, February 9, 1929.
“Exhibition of thumb-box sketches”, February 8 – March 1, 1929.
“Ladies’ dinner”, February 17, 1929.
“Dinner tendered to Warren B. Davis by Samuel T. Shaw – Twenty-fifth anniversary dinner of the Samuel T. Shaw purchase prize”, March 7, 1929.
“Reception, annual oil exhibition”, March 8, 1929.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, March 8-22, 1929.
“Ladies’ dinner”, March 17, 1929.
“Catalogue of group exhibition”, April 6-20, 1929.
“Ladies’ dinner”, April 14, 1929.
“Get-together dinner”, April 26, 1929.
“Summer exhibition of pictures”, May 17 – September 15, 1929.
“33rd auction sale of pictures by members”, January 18-31, 1930.
“Thumb-box exhibition”, February 16, 1930.
“Dinner tendered to Charles S. Chapman by Samuel T. Shaw”, March 6, 1930.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, March 7-28, 1930.
“Exhibition of small paintings and bronzes”, April 6, 1930.
“Summer exhibition of pictures”, May 16 – October 15, 1930.
“Stag, black and white exhibition”, October 24, 1930.
“Black and white exhibition”, October 24 – November 9, 1930.
“Get-together dinner”, October 31, 1930.
“Lithographic evening”, November 14, 1930.
“Stag, thumbbox exhibition”, November 21, 1930.
“Thumbbox exhibition”, November 21 – December 14, 1930.
“Reception, thumbbox exhibition”, November 22, 1930.
“Ladies’ dinner”, November 30, 1930.
“A M Welch’s far east pictures”, December 12, 1930.
“Christmas dinner and tree”, December 19, 1930.
“Tony Sarg’s marionettes”, December 21, 1930.
“Tony Sarg’s marionettes”, December 22, 1930.
“New Year’s Eve costume dance”, December 31, 1930.
“Stag, auction exhibition”, January 16, 1931.
“Auction exhibition”, January 16-30, 1931.
“Reception, auction exhibition”, January 17, 1931.
“Ladies’ dinner”, January 25, 1931.
“Stag, water color exhibition”, February 13, 1931.
“Water color exhibition”, February 13-27, 1931.
“Reception, water color exhibition”, February 14, 1931.
“Dinner tendered to George M. Bruestle by Samuel T. Shaw”, March 5, 1931.
“Stag, annual oil exhibition”, March 6, 1931.
“Annual oil exhibition”, March 6-29, 1931.
“Reception, annual oil exhibition”, March 7, 1931.
“Opening tea for the annual exhibition of oil paintings [700 attend]”, March 9, 1931.
“Ladies’ dinner”, March 15, 1931.
“Stag, small pictures exhibition”, April 10, 1931.
“Exhibition of small paintings and small sculpture”, April 10 – May 2, 1931.
“Reception, small pictures exhibition”, April 11, 1931.
“Lithographic evening”, April 24, 1931.
“Summer exhibition of pictures”, May 15 – October 10, 1931.
“Get together dinner”, November 12, 1931.
“Auction”, [unknown date], 1931. [missing catalog]
“Opening tea for the annual exhibition”, January 16, 1932.
“Tea at the club”, February 6, 1932.
“Thumb-box sketches exhibition”, February 28, 1932.
“Dinner tendered to Ernest L. Blumenschein by Samuel T. Shaw”, March 3, 1932.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, March 4-27, 1932.
“Winner of Samuel T. Shaw prize announced after one week deadlock of jury”, March 13, 1932.
“Auction”, [unknown date], 1932. [missing catalog]
“Exhibition of small paintings”, April 10?-22?, 1932.
“Summer exhibition of pictures”, May 15 – October 10, 1932. [catalog missing]
“Stag, black and white exhibition”, October 21, 1932.
“Get-together dinner”, October 28, 1932.
“Black and white exhibition”, October 31 – November 9, 1932.
“Stag, water color exhibition”, November 25, 1932.
“Water color exhibition”, November 25 – December 11, 1932.
“Christmas dinner and tree”, December 20, 1932.
“New Year’s Eve costume dance”, December 31, 1932.
“Stag, auction exhibition”, January 13, 1933.
“Auction exhibition”, January 13-27, 1933.
“Reception, auction exhibition”, January 14, 1933.
“Stag, thumbbox exhibition”, February 3, 1933.
“Thumbbox exhibition”, February 3-24, 1933.
“Exhibition opening tea”, February 4, 1933.
“Thumb-box exhibition”, February 4-?, 1933.
“Concert: Mrs. Mary Deskey, pianist, John Barnes Wells, tenor”, February 19, 1933.
“Dinner tendered to Eugene Higgins by Samuel T. Shaw”, March 2, 1933.
“Reception, annual oil exhibition”, March 4, 1933.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, March 3-26, 1933.
“Illustrated lecture by George Lober”, March 21, 1933.
“Concert: Miss Melvina Passmore, soprano, Julius Delbos, pianist”, March 26, 1933.
“Get-away dinner”, April 28, 1933.
“Summer exhibition of pictures”, [unknown date], 1933. [catalog missing]
Buck Hill Ralls Inn, Pocono Mountains, PA, “Exhibition of the Salmagundi Club of New York [45 paintings by 21 artists]”, July 23, 1933.
“Summer show”, July, 1933. [is this the Buck Hill Ralls Inn exhibition?]
“Thumb-box exhibition”, December 10, 1933.
“Auction”, [unknown date], 1934. [missing catalog]
“Ladies night at the Salmagundi [program by Gene Lockhart and Kathleen Lockhart]”, February 18, 1934.
“Dinner tendered to Charles C. Curran by Samuel T. Shaw”, March 8, 1934.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, March 9-30, 1934.
“Summer exhibition of pictures”, [unknown date], 1934. [catalog missing]
“Exhibition of thumb-box sketches”, November 23 – December 16, 1934.
“Annual exhibition and auction sale of pictures [140 works]”, January 11-25, 1935.
“Dinner tendered to Gordon Grant by Samuel T. Shaw”, March 7, 1935.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, March 8-29, 1935.
“Summer exhibition of pictures”, [unknown date], 1935. [catalog missing]
“Annual exhibition and auction sale of pictures [water colors and oils – 48 pictures]”, January 17-31, 1936. [catalog missing]
“Artist Evelyn M. Bicknell found dead in easy chair in his room at the Salmagundi Club [heart attack]”, March 5, 1936.
“Dinner tendered to Frederick W. Hutchinson by Samuel T. Shaw”, 1936.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, March 13 – April 3, 1936.
“Summer exhibition of pictures”, [unknown date], 1936. [catalog missing]
“Exhibition of thumb-box sketches”, November 20 – December 13, 1936.
“Auction”, January 17-29, 1937.
“Dinner tendered to Ernest Lawson Newfoundland by Samuel T. Shaw”, February?, 1937.
“Annual exhibit of water colors by members”, February 21?-26, 1937.
“Dinner in honor of Royal Cortissoz” March 19, 1937.
“Annual exhibition of oil painting”, March 14 – April 2, 1937.
“Annual lay members exhibition”, April 9-22, 1937.
“Summer exhibition of pictures”, May 8 – September 30, 1937.
“Get together dinner”, November 12, 1937.
“Reception and tea at Salmagundi”, November 20, 1937.
“Exhibition of thumb-box sketches”, November 21 – December 12, 1937.
“Christmas Party / Dinner”, December 17, 1937.
“Annual exhibition and auction of pictures”, January 16-29, 1938.
“Jonas Lie paintings”, April 19 – May 7, 1938.
“Exhibition of paintings by Furman Joseph Fink”, April 26 – May 9.
“Dinner tendered to Vincent A. Svoboda by Samuel T. Shaw”, 1938.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, February 13 – March 4, 1938.
“Summer exhibition of pictures”, May 6 – September 30, 1938.
“Annual black and white exhibition”, October – November 4, 1938.
“Thumb-box exhibition”, November 20 – December 9, 1938.
“Auction”, January 14-27, 1939.
“American Artists Professional League dinner [held at the Salmagundi Club]”, February 15, 1939.
“Dinner tendered to Kenneth G. How by Samuel T. Shaw”, 1939.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, March 29 – April 19, 1939.?
“Summer exhibition of pictures”, May 12 – September 29, 1939.
In memoriam : Frank Tenney Johnson [1874-1939].
“Annual black and white exhibition [200 works]”, October 14 – November 3, 1939.
“Exhibition of thumb-box sketches”, November 19 – December 8, 1939.
“Annual exhibition and auction sale of pictures”, January 14-26, 1940.
“Dinner tendered to Hobart Nichols by Samuel T. Shaw”, February 8, 1940.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, February 11 – March 1, 1940.
“Summer exhibition of pictures”, May 10 – September 27, 1940.
“Exhibition of thumb-box sketches”, November 24 – December 13, 1940.
“Annual exhibition and auction sale of pictures”, January 12-24, 1941.
“Dinner tendered to Wayman Adams by Samuel T. Shaw”, February 6, 1941.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings:, February 9-28, 1941.
“Exhibition of watercolors by members”, March 23, 1941.
“Summer exhibition of pictures”, May 9 – September 26, 1941.
“Exhibition of thumb-box sketches”, [unknown date], 1941.
“Dinner tendered to Carl J. Nordell by Samuel T. Shaw”, February 12, 1942.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, February 15 – March 6, 1942.
“Exhibition of war posters, paintings, drawings”, April 27, 1942.
“Summer exhibition of paintings”, [unknown date], 1942. [missing catalog]
“2nd war art exhibition , paintings, drawings, posters to promote the war effort [Georg Lober and Ulyesses A. Ricci present statues to US Navy crew to first unit to plant battle flag on Japanese soil, metal for statues melted down from Axis alley awarded medals.]”, June 12, 1942.
“Exhibition of thumb-box sketches”, November 22 – December 11, 1942.
“Dinner tendered to Harrison Cady by Samuel T. Shaw”, February 11, 1943.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings [129 works]”, February 14 – March 5, 1943.
“Summer exhibition of pictures”, [unknown date], 1943. [missing catalog]
“Exhibition thumb-box sketches”, November 21 – December 10, 1943.
“Executive Committee Meeting:, December 3, 1943.
“Art Committee Meeting”, December 10, 1943.
“Christmas Stag Dinner”, December 17, 1943.
“New Year’s Eve Party”, December 31, 1943.
“Annual exhibition and auction sale of pictures”, January 9-28, 1944.
“Dinner tendered to Ogden M. Pleissner by Samuel T. Shaw”, 1944.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, February 13 – March 3, 1944.
“Executive Committee Meeting”, April 14, 1944.
“Admissions Committee Meeting”, April 24, 1944.
“Art Committee Meeting”, April 30, 1944.
“Summer exhibition of pictures”, May 6 – September 22, 1944.
“Exhibition of thumb-box sketches”, [unknown date], 1944. [missing catalog]
“Annual exhibition and auction sale of pictures”, January 14-26, 1945.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, February 11 – March 2, 1945.
“Dinner tendered to Walter Farndon by Samuel T. Shaw”, 1945.
“Salmagundi opens exhibitions to non-members for the first time”, May 13, 1945.
“75th annual exhibition of paintings and sculpture”, May 6-29, 1945.
“Summer exhibition of pictures”, June 22 – September 21, 1945.
“Exhibition thumb-box sketches”, November 18 – December 7, 1945.
“Annual exhibition and auction sale of paintings”, [unknown date], 1946. [missing catalog]
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, February 10 – March 1, 1946.
“Annual exhibition of paintings and sculpture”, May 6-31, 1946.
Bethel Inn, Bethel, ME, “Exhibition of paintings and prints”, June 5 – September 25, 1946.
“Summer exhibition of pictures”, June 21 – September 20, 1946.
“Special exhibition and auction of paintings and prints”, November 26 – December 13, 1946.
“Exhibition of thumb-box sketches”, [unknown date}, 1946.
“Annual exhibition and auction sale of paintings”, [unknown date], 1947. [missing catalog]
“Annual watercolor and sculpture exhibition”, January 11-17, 1947.
“Annual exhibition of thumb-box sketches by members”, February 10-28?, 1947.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings by members”, March 8-28, 1947.
“Annual meeting of the Allied Artists of America held at the Salmagundi”, March ?, 1947.
“Third annual exhibition of selected paintings and sculpture [50 artists]”, April 19 – May 10, 1947.
“Summer exhibition of oils and watercolors”, May 23 – September 26.
“Jury of six Salmagundi judge ’32nd semi-annual outdoor art exhibit in Washington Square’ : Gustave Cimiotti, Florence M. Darnault, Edward Caswell, Eugene Jones, Francis Vandeveer Kughler and Laurence A. Megargee”, September 13, 1947.
“Annual black-and-white show of work by members”, October 11-20, 1947.
“Annual exhibition of thumb-box sketches by members [200+ works]”, November 22 – December 12, 1947.
“Memoriam : Paul Bernard King [1867-1947 ]”, November 25, 1947.
“Annual dinner to Ringland Kilpatrick of the Artists Fellowship at the Salmagundi”, December 3, 1947.
“Ringland Kilpatrick, real estate man, recipient of Gari Melchers gold medal designed by Georg J. Lober”, December 3, 1947.
“Exhibition and auction sale of paintings and prints”, January 10-23, 1948.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, February 14 – March 5, 1948.
“Seventy-sixth annual exhibition of oils [Andrew Winter [1893-1958], Mischa Lempert memorial prize for Island home]”, February 9, 1948.
“Annual dinner”, February 21, 1948.
“Annual watercolor show”, March 19, 1948.
“Get-away party ‘Railway getaway'”, April 16, 1948.
“Fourth annual special exhibition of oils and watercolors”, April 24 – May 14, 1948.
“Annual member meeting”, May 7, 1948.
“Summer exhibition of oil paintings and watercolors”, June 5 – September 17, 1948.
“Exhibition of thumb-box sketches”, November 27 – December 17, 1948.
“Special benefit auction sale and exhibition”, January 15-28, 1949.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, February 12 – March 4, 1949.
“5th annual special exhibition of oil paintings and prints”, April 30 – May 21, 1949.
“Summer exhibition of oil paintings and watercolors”, June 4 – September 2, 1949.
“Exhibition of thumb-box sketches”, November 26 – December 16, 1949.
“Exhibition and auction sale of paintings and prints”, January 15-27, 1950.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, March 18 – April 7, 1950.
“Exhibition of honor of Mr. (W.) Harrison Cady”, March 28 – April 11, 1950.
“Sixth annual special exhibition of oil paintings and watercolors”, April 29 – May 20, 1950.
“Summer exhibition of oil paintings, watercolors, prints and sculpture”, June 3 – September 1, 1950.
“Longest membership of the Salmagundi – Harry Roseland, 54 years”, December 21, 1950.
“Exhibition of thumb-box sketches”, November 25 – December 15, 1950.
“Exhibition and auction sale of paintings and prints”, January 13-26, 1951.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, February 10 – March 2, 1951.
“John Wells James solo exhibition [21 oils]”, April, 10, 1951.
“Golden anniversary artist members exhibition”, April 22 – May 5, 1951.
“Annual get-away party”, April 27, 1951.
“Annual auction & exhibition”, January 12-25, 1952.
“Special exhibition of figure paintings, William Auerbach-Levy wins prize for Night watchman”, April 26 – May 16, 1952.
“Youngest member of the Salmagundi, Niel W. Peper”, September 7, 1952.
“Annual auction & exhibition”, January 10-23, 1953.
“Annual oil painting exhibition”, February 7-27, 1953.
Annual exhibition of water colors and sculpture”, March 17-27, 1953.
“Members meeting”, April 3?, 1953.
“Annual summer oil, watercolor and prints exhibition”, June 6 – September 4, 1953.
“Thumb-box exhibition”, November 20 – December 18, 1953.
“Summer exhibition”, May 22 – July 5, 1954.
“Thumb-box exhibition”, November 19 – December 17, 1954.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings [90 works]”, February 5-25, 1955.
“Auction exhibition”, January 8-28, 1955.
“Auction exhibition”, January 14 – February 3, 1956.
“Summer exhibition”, May 25 – September 2, 1956.
“Auction exhibition”, January 14 – February 1, 1957.
“Annual oil exhibition”, February 9 – March 8, 1957.
“Watercolor portrait demonstrations by Joseph Margulies”, April 27, 1957.
“Summer exhibition”, June 1 – September 3, 1957.
“Thumb-box exhibition”, November 24 – December 13, 1957.
“Annual auction exhibition”, January 11 – February 7, 1958.
“Annual oil exhibition”, February 22 – March 14, 1958.
“Non-member exhibition”, April 26 – May 9, 1958.
“Summer exhibition”, May 31 – September 2, 1958.
“Exhibition of advertising executives paintings and sculpture”, 1958.
“Thumb-box exhibition”, November 22 – December 19, 1958.
“Auction exhibition”, January 10 – February 6, 1959.
“Annual oil exhibition”, February 21 – March 13, 1959.
“Retrospective NA”, May 25 – August 31, 1959.
“Navy exhibition”, September 4-30, 1959.
“Thumb-box exhibition”, November 21 – December 18, 1959.
“Begin work with the U.S. Navy to acquire paintings about the Navy and Marine Corp achievements”, 1960.
“Auction exhibition”, January 9 – February 5, 1960.
“Annual oil exhibition”, February 20 – March 12, 1960.
“Ulrich Bell : Exhibition”, 1960.
“Thumb-box exhibition”, November 26 – December 23, 1960.
“Summer exhibition”, May 28 – September 6, 1960.
“Summer exhibition”, June 3 – September 10, 1961.
“NACAL exhibition”, January 19, 1962.
“Annual watercolor & sculpture exhibition”, January 27 – February 23, 1962.
“Annual auction & exhibition”, March 3-23, 1962.
“Drawing and prints exhibition (black and white exhibition)”, March 31 – April 13, 1962.
“Julius Allen : memorial exhibition”, 1962.
“Summer exhibition”, May 26 – September 7, 1962.
“Annual black and white exhibition”, November 10-23, 1962.
Milch Galleries, New York, NY, “Ogden Pleissner”, November 21 – December 8, 1962.
“Annual thumb-box exhibition”, December 1-21, 1962.
“Annual painting exhibition”, January 12-25, 1963.
“Annual watercolor & sculpture exhibition”, February 1-22, 1963.
“Annual watercolor and sculpture exhibition”, January 11-31, 1964.
“4th annual scholarship exhibition”, April 4-24, 1964.
“Summer exhibition”, June 6 – September 4, 1964.
“Annual thumb-box exhibition”, November 21 – December 20, 1964.
“Annual print and drawing exhibition (black and white exhibition)”, September 26 – October 9, 1964.
“Annual auction exhibition”, March 13 – April 2, 1965.
“5th annual scholarship exhibition”, April 10-30, 1965.
“Proposed merger of Salmagundi Club with the National Arts Club”, August 31, 1965.
“6th annual scholarship exhibition”, 1966.
“Annual summer exhibition”, June 29 – September 6, 1966.
“Annual watercolor and sculpture exhibition”, 1966.
“Annual thumb-box exhibition”, 1966.
“Annual oil painting exhibition”, January 15 – February 4, 1967.
“Presentation of 155 paintings to the US Navy for its art collection”, July 2, 1967.
“Annual auction & exhibition”, October 21 – November 10, 1967.
“Dinner in honor of poet Marianne Moore [80 yrs old] who was named 1968 woman of achievement of the New York City brand of the American Association of University Women”, May 10, 1968.
“Print, Drawing, Sculpture, Architecture & Landscape Architecture Exhibition”, September 15 – October 3, 1969
“Get-together Dinner (Stag)”, October 17, 1969.
“Fall Auction Exhibition – All Media”, October 13 – November 7, 1969.
“Exhibition of Thumb Box Paintings – All Media”, November 10 – December 17, 1969.
“Christmas Tree Party”, December 12, 1969.
“New Year’s Eve Party”, December 31, 196
“Exhibition of oil paintings”, January 5-30, 1970.
“Watercolor and sculpture exhibition”, February 2-27, 1970.
“Exhibition of Art by Scholarship Members”, March 2-20, 1970.
“Auction spring”, March 23 – April 17, 1970.
“Annual Presidents’ Dinner”, April 24, 1970.
“Spring Fling (Stag)”, May 15, 1970.
“NACAL Exhibition”, May 18 – June 12, 1970.
“Summer”, June 29 – September 11, 1970.
“Print and drawings”, September 14 – October 2, 1970.
“Auction fall”, October 19 – November 13, 1970.
“Exhibition of thumb-box paintings”, November 16 – December 18, 1970.
“Thumb-box exhibition”, December 6, 1970 – January 7, 1971.
“Thumb-box exhibition”, December 6, 1970 – January 7, 1971.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, January 8-29, 1971.
“Watercolor and sculpture exhibition”, February 1-26, 1971.
“Auction spring exhibition”, March 1-26, 1971.
“Scholarship 11th annual exhibition”, March 29 – April 30, 1971.
“Graphics exhibition”, September 13 – October 1, 1971.
“Fall exhibition of oil paintings”, November 1 – December 3, 1971.
“Exhibition of thumb-box paintings”, December 6, 1971 – January 7, 1972.
“Exhibition of thumb-box paintings”, December 6, 1971 – January 7, 1972.
“Annual watercolor & sculpture exhibition”, January 10 – February 25, 1972.
“Scholarship 12th annual exhibition”, March 27 – April 21, 1972.
“Stanley Wyatt of Grand View becomes a member”, June 13, 1972.
“Summer exhibition”, June 26 – August 16, 1972.
“Graphics exhibition”, September 18 – October 4, 1972.
“Auction fall exhibition”, October 23 – November 17, 1971.
“Exhibition of thumb-box paintings”, November 20, 1972 – January 5, 1973.
“Exhibition of thumb-box paintings”, November 20, 1972 – January 5, 1973.
“101st annual watercolor & sculpture exhibition”, February 5 – March 5, 1973.
“Exhibition of oil paintings & sculpture”, January 8 – February 2, 1973.
“Graphics and sculpture exhibition”, September 17 – October 12, 1973.
“Scholarship 13th annual exhibition”, April 2-25, 1973.
“Auction spring exhibition”, March 5-30, 1973.
“Thumb-box exhibition”, November 26 – June 4, 1973.
“Summer exhibition”, June 25 – August 22, 1973.
“Exhibition of thumb-box paintings”, November 25, 1973 – January 3, 1974.
“Exhibition of thumb-box paintings”, November 25, 1973 – January 3, 1974.
“Exhibition of oil paintings”, January 7 – February 1, 1974.
“Poker playing at the club”, February, 1974.
“102nd annual watercolor & sculpture exhibition”, February 4 – March 1, 1974.
“Spring auction sale & exhibition”, March 4-29, 1974.
“14th annual exhibition of oil paintings & sculpture”, April 1-24, 1974.
“Exhibition of paintings & sculpture by new members”, May 20 – June 14, 1974.
“Summer exhibition”, June 24 – August 21, 1974.
“Annual graphics & sculpture exhibition”, September 9 – October 3, 1974.
“Fall auction sale & exhibition”, October 28 – November 22, 1974.
“Thumb-box exhibition of paintings”, December 1, 1974 – January 9, 1975.
“Exhibition of oil paintings”, 1975.
“103rd annual watercolor & sculpture exhibition”, February 3-21, 1975.
“Auction spring exhibition”, February 24 – March 21, 1975.
“Scholarship exhibition”, March 24 – April 18, 1975.
Kennedy Galleries, Inc., New York, NY, “Paintings by Salmagundi artists”, May, 1975.
“Annual graphics & sculpture exhibition”, September 8 – October 3, 1975.
“Auction fall exhibition”, October 27 – November 21, 1975.
“Thumb-box exhibition”, November 22, 1975 – January 7, 1976.
“Thumb-box exhibition”, November 22, 1975 – January 7, 1976.
“Oil painting exhibition”, January 12 – February 6, 1976.
“Watercolor and sculpture exhibition”, February 9-27, 1976.
“Auction spring exhibition”, March 1-26, 1976.
“Scholarship 16th annual exhibition”, March 29 – April 23, 1976.
Robert Rice Gallery, Houston, TX, “George L. Nelson exhibition”, ca.1976.
“Summer exhibition”, June 1 – August 18, 1976.
“Graphics black and white exhibition”, September 13 – October 1, 1976.
“Auction fall exhibition”, October 25 – November 19, 1976.
“Oil painting exhibition”, January 10 – February 4, 1977.
“Watercolor & sculpture”, February 7-25, 1977.
“Auction spring exhibition”, March 1-25, 1977.
“Scholarship 17th annual exhibition”, March 28 – April 22, 1977.
“Fall auction sale & exhibition”, November 7 – December 2, 1977.
“Auction sale fall exhibition”, November 7 – December 2, 1977.
“Thumb-box exhibition”, December 5-23, 1977.
“Annual oil painting exhibition”, January 9-27, 1978.
“Watercolor exhibition”, January 30 – February 17, 1978.
“Exhibition of pastel paintings”, February 21 – March 3, 1978.
“Auction spring exhibition”, March 8 – April 7, 1978.
“1st open juried exhibition for non-members [200 paintings, 40 graphics and 30 sculptures]”, May 7-20, 1978.
“Summer exhibition”, June 26 – August 18, 1978.
“Graphics & sculpture exhibition”, September 11-22, 1978.
“Exhibition of pastel paintings”, October 9 – October 20, 1978.
“Auction fall exhibition”, October 23 – November 17, 1978.
“Exhibition of thumb-box paintings”, November 20 – December 22, 1978.
“Thumb-box exhibition”, November 20 – December 2, 1978.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, January 8-26, 1979.
“Exhibition of watercolor paintings by members”, January 29 – February 16, 1979.
“Graphics & sculpture exhibition”, March 5-30, 1979.
“Spring auction sale & exhibition”, March 5-30, 1979.
“N. Witten Ortlip : retrospective exhibition”, April 2-14, 1979.
“2nd annual open juried exhibition of non-members”, April 30 – May 25, 1979.
“Summer exhibition of paintings, graphics and sculpture”, July 2 – August 17, 1979.
“Fall auction sale & exhibition”, October 22 – November 16, 1979.
“Exhibition of thumb-box paintings”, November 19 – December 21, 1979.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, January 7-25, 1980.
“Exhibition of watercolor paintings”, January 28 – February 15, 1980.
“Spring auction sale & exhibition”, March 3-38, 1980.
“3rd annual open juried exhibition for non-members”, April 28 – May 23, 1980.
“Exhibition of pastel paintings”, May 27 – June 13, 1980.
“Summer exhibition of paintings, graphics & sculpture”, June 16 – August 15, 1980.
“Annual graphics and sculpture exhibition”, September 8-19, 1980.
“Fall auction sale & exhibition”, October 20 – November 14, 1980.
“Annual thumb-box paintings exhibition”, December 1-19, 1980.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, December 22, 1980 – January 16, 1981.
“Annual exhibition of oil paintings”, December 22, 1980 – January 16, 1981.
“Exhibition of watercolor paintings”, January 19 – February 6, 1981.
“Exhibition of pastel paintings”, March 16 – April 3, 1981.
“Spring auction sale & exhibition”, April 13 – May 8, 1981.
“4th annual open juried exhibition for non-members”, May 11-29, 1981.
“Summer exhibition of paintings, graphics & sculpture”, June 29 – August 14, 1981.
“Exhibition of pastel, black and white, graphics, photography & sculpture”, August 31 – September 18, 1981.
“Fall auction sale & exhibition”, November 2-21, 1981.
“Exhibition of thumb-box paintings & sculpture”, December 7-25, 1981.
“Exhibition of annual oil paintings”, January 11-29, 1982.
“Exhibition of watercolor, pastels & sculpture”, February 15-26, 1982.
“5th annual national open juried exhibition for non-members”, March 15-26, 1982.
“Spring auction sale & exhibition”, April 19 – May 7, 1982.
“Barrett Colea Award to Lloyd Rainford [for sculpture]”, 1982.
“The adventure in oriental art Mr. Choo Hwang, Mr. Suk-Kwan O, and Mrs. Chung Soon O’Dwyer”, June 6-20, 1982.
“Summer exhibition of paintings, graphics & sculpture”, June 21 – August 20, 1982.
“Exhibition of paintings, black and white drawings, graphics, photography & sculpture”, August 30 – September 17, 1982.
“Fall auction sale & exhibition”, September 20 – October 8, 1982.
“Annual exhibition of thumb-box paintings, sculpture & photography”, December 12, 1982 – January 6, 1983.
“Annual exhibition of thumb-box paintings, sculpture & photography”, December 12, 1982 – January 6, 1983.
“Annual oil paintings & sculpture exhibition”, January 10-28, 1983.
“Annual exhibition of watercolor, pastels & sculpture”, January 31 – February 18, 1983.
“6th annual open juried exhibition of non-members”, March 7-18, 1983.
“Spring auction sale & exhibition”, May 2-20, 1983.
“Slideshow and narration of the history of Greenwich Village’s Christopher Street, from Colonial days to present, by Christine Boyer”, May 25, 1983.
“Exhibition of water colors”, May 28, 1983.
“Annual photography & sculpture exhibition”, June 13-24, 1983.
“Fall graphics & sculpture exhibition”, September 12-23, 1983.
“Fall auction sale & exhibition”, September 26 – October 14, 1983.
“Annual thumb-box exhibition”, December 10, 1983 – January 4, 1984.
“Annual thumb-box exhibition”, December 10, 1983 – January 4, 1984.
“Oil painting & sculpture exhibition”, January 30 – February 10, 1984.
“Fall graphics & sculpture exhibition”, January 30 – February 10, 1984.
“Annual watercolor & pastel exhibition”, February 20 – March 22, 1984.
“Spring auction & exhibition”, March 5-30, 1984.
“7th annual open juried exhibition of non-members”, March 7-18, 1983.
“5 Parks League meets at the Salmagundi”, March 14, 1984.
“3rd non-members annual photography & sculpture exhibition”, June 11-22, 1984.
“Summer exhibition of paintings, graphics and sculpture”, June 25 – September 7, 1984.
“Fall auction sale & exhibition”, October 8 – November 2, 1984.
“Annual thumb-box exhibition”, December 9, 1984 – January 10, 1985.
“Annual thumb-box exhibition”, December 9, 1984 – January 10, 1985.
“Oil painting & sculpture exhibition”, January 21 – February 1, 1985.
“Annual watercolor & pastel exhibition”, February 4-15, 1985.
“Spring auction sale & exhibition”, March 4-29, 1985.
“8th annual non-members exhibition”, May 6-17, 1985.
“Annual photography & sculpture exhibition”, June 17-18, 1985.
“Summer painting, graphics & sculpture exhibition”, July 1 – September 6, 1985.
“Fall graphics & sculpture exhibition”, September 6-20, 1985.
“57th grand national exhibition of American Artists’ Professional League”, October?, 1985.
“Annual thumb-box exhibition”, December 8, 1985 – January 9, 1986.
“Annual oil, watercolor, pastel & sculpture exhibition”, January 21 – February 21, 1986.
“New York’s Ladies’ Mile presented by the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation [slideshow and talk]”, February 19,, 1986.
“Spring auction sale & exhibition”, February 24 – March 21, 1986.
“9th annual art exhibition for non-members”, May 5-16, 1986.
“5th annual non-members photography & sculpture exhibition”, June 9-20, 1986.
“Summer paintings, graphics & sculpture exhibition”, June 20 – September 5, 1986.
“Fall graphics & sculpture exhibition”, September 8-19, 1986.
“Fall auction sale & exhibition”, October 7 – November 1, 1986.
“American Artists Professional League Show”, November 9-14, 1986.
“Meeting of the Theodore Gordon Flyfishers”, December 10, 1986.
“Theodore Gordon Flyfishers Arts of Angling series”, February 4, 1987.
“Annual oil, watercolor, pastel & sculpture exhibition”, February 9 – March 6, 1987.
“Theodore Gordon Flyfishers Arts of Angling series”, February 18, 1987.
“A place for books : the New York Public Library presented by The Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation with slideshow and lecture by Henry-Hope Reed”, February 25, 1987.
“Theodore Gordon Flyfishers Arts of Angling series”, March 4, 1987.
“Transformagic : architectural transformation of use by architect Giorgio Cavaglieri”, April 29, 1987.
“10th annual art exhibition for non-members”, May 11-29, 1987.
“Edith Wharton 125 anniversary tour”, May 14, 1987.
“6th annual photo & sculpture exhibition”, June 8-26, 1987.
“Summer exhibition of paintings, graphics & sculpture”, June 29 – September 11, 1987.
“Fall graphics & sculpture exhibition”, September 14-25, 1987.
“Spring auction sale & exhibition”, October 12 – November 6, 1987.
“Annual thumb-box exhibition”, December 5, 1987 – January 6, 1988.
“Annual thumb-box exhibition”, December 5, 1987 – January 6, 1988.
“Annual oil, watercolor, pastel & sculpture”, January 18 – February 12, 1988.
“Spring auction sale & exhibition”, February 29 – March 25, 1988.
“11th annual art exhibition of non-members”, May 6-20, 1988.
“Annual photography & sculpture exhibition”, June 6-24, 1988.
“Summer exhibition of paintings, graphics & sculpture”, June 24 – September 9, 1988.
“11th open art exhibition [145 works]”, August 2, 1988.
“Fall graphics & sculpture exhibition”, September 12-23, 1988.
“Fall auction sale & exhibition”, October 10 – November 4, 1988.
“Annual thumb-box exhibition”, December 4, 1988 – January 5, 1989.
“Annual thumb-box exhibition”, December 4, 1988 – January 5, 1989.
“Annual oil, watercolor, pastel & sculpture exhibition”, February 9 – February 10, 1989.
“Scholarship / junior exhibition”, February 13-26, 1989.
“Spring auction sale & exhibition”, February 20 – March 17, 1989.
“12th annual art exhibition for non-members”, May 8-19, 1989.
“8th non-members annual photography & sculpture exhibition”, June 5 – June 23, 1989.
“Summer paintings, graphics & sculpture exhibition”, July 3 – September 8, 1989.
“Fall graphics & sculpture exhibition”, September 11-22, 1898.
“Fall auction sale & exhibition”, October 9 – November 3, 1898.
“Annual thumb-box exhibition:, December 10, 1989 – January 4, 1990.
“Annual thumb-box exhibition:, December 10, 1989 – January 4, 1990.
“Annual oil, watercolor, pastel and sculpture exhibition” February 4-9, 1990.
“American Watercolor Club’s national juried show”, March, 1990.
“Artquest tour [including the Salmagundi and Forbes Gallery]”, March – April, 1990.
“13th annual open juried exhibition for non-members”, May 7-18, 1990.
“Summer paintings, graphics & sculpture exhibition”, June 25 – July 13, 1990.
“Summer thumb-box exhibition by members”, August 6 – September 7, 1990.
“Fall auction sale & exhibition”, October 8 – November 2, 1990.
“Annual oil, watercolor, pastel & sculpture exhibition”, January 7 – February 8, 1991.
“Spring auction sale & exhibition”, February 25 – March 22, 1991.
“Summer auction sale & exhibition”, July 22 – August 7, 1991.
“Fall auction sale & exhibition”, October 7 – November 1, 1991.
“Annual oil, watercolor, pastel & sculpture exhibition”, January 7 – February 8, 1991.
“Spring auction sale & exhibition”, February 25 – March 22, 1991.
“Summer auction sale & exhibition”, July 22 – August 7, 1991.
“The art of graphite drawing gallery lecture by Stanley Wyatt”, September 13, 1992.
“Fall auction sale & exhibition”, October 7 – November 1, 1991.
Thomas J. Walsh Art Gallery, Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT, “A fertile fellowship : celebrating 125 years of the Salmagundi Club”, 1997.
“Constable at the Salmagundi : paintings and drawings from an extensive private collection”, October 14 – November 2, 2000.
“Annual COGAP exhibition : search and rescue”, November 18-29, 2002.
“7th annual photography & sculpture exhibition”, December 30 – January 24, 2003.
“Annual members combined exhibition”, January 27 – February 14, 2003.
“Spring auction exhibition”, February 18 – March 14, 2003.
“Museum exhibition”, May 6-15, 2003.
“Annual COGAP exhibition”, November 14 – December 10, 2003.
“Curator’s archival exhibition – 85 Years on Fifth Ave 1917-2003”, November 17-22, 2003.
“Annual thumb-box exhibition”, December 3 – January 1, 2003.
“Annual members combined exhibition, part II”, January 26 – February 13, 2004.
“Spring auction exhibition”, March 1-26, 2004.
“Annual non-member juried art exhibition”, June 21 – July 8, 2004.
“American dream post 9/11”, July 12-23, 2004.
“Annual graphics & sculpture exhibition by members (formerly black & white)”, September 7-17, 2004.
“Fall auction exhibition”, October 11-29, 2004.
“Art classes exhibition”, November 15-26, 2004.
“Annual COGAP exhibition”, November 15 – December 3, 2004.
“Salmagundi Club : An American Institution”, The Dubuque Museum of Art, Dubuque, IA : January 25 – March 20, 2005 ; Huntsville Museum of Art, Huntsville, Alabama: April 10, 2005 through June 5, 2005 ; Mabee-Gerrer Museum of Art, Shawnee, Oklahoma: June 26, 2005 through August 21, 2005 ; Bradford Brinton Memorial and Museum, Big Horn, Wyoming: September 11, 2005 through January 1, 2006 ; Morris Museum of Art, Augusta, Georgia: January 22, 2006 through April 9, 2006 ; Huntington Museum of Art, Huntington, West Virginia: April 30, 2006 through June 25, 2006 ; Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas: July 23, 2006 through September 17, 2006 ; Philip and Muriel Berman Museum of Art, Collegeville, Pennsylvania: October 1, 2006 through November 26, 2006 ; Muskegon Museum of Art, Muskegon, Michigan: December 17, 2006 through February 11, 2007 ; Bergstrom-Mahler Museum, Neenah, Wisconsin: March 4, 2007 through April 29, 2007.
“Annual members combined exhibition”, January 10 – February 11, 2005.
“Spring auction exhibition”, May 3-20, 2005.
“Fall auction exhibition”, October 10-28, 2005.
“Annual COGAP exhibition”, November 15 – December 3, 2005.
“Curator’s exhibition : transitions”, February 27 – March 17, 2006.
“Annual scholarship & junior members exhibition”, February 28 – March 17, 2006.
“Spring auction exhibition”, May 2-19, 2006.
“Salmagundi Club : an American institution exhibition”, May 8 – June 8, 2006.
“Annual juried exhibition of paintings, graphics and sculpture by non-members”, June 19-30, 2006.
“Annual graphics & sculpture exhibition (formerly black & white)”, August 28 – September 21, 2006.
“Fall auction exhibition”, October 9-27, 2006.
“Famous copies : member theme exhibition”, October 9-27, 2006.
“Annual junior & scholarship members exhibition”, November 13 – December 1, 2006.
“Art classes exhibition”, November 13-24, 2006.
“Annual members combined exhibition”, January 8 – February 2, 2007.
“Annual COGAP exhibition”, February 12 – March 23, 2007.
“Spring auction exhibition”, February 26 – March 23, 2007.
“Flower : theme exhibition”, February 26 – March 23, 2007.
“Book release of The black and white exhibitions of the Salmagundi Sketch Club 1878 to 1887 by Alexander Katlan”, April, 2007.
“Collage, montage etc. exhibition”, May 13 – June 30, 2007.
“Landscape : theme exhibition by members”, June 11 – July 13, 2007.
“The black & white exhibitions of the Salmagundi Sketch Club, annual graphics & sculpture exhibition (formerly black & white)”, August 28 – September 7, 2007.
“Memorial exhibition Richard Pionk president library exhibition”. August ? -September 29, 2007.
“Arts & letters : paintings by Frank Mason fall auction exhibition”, October 1-26, 2007.
“Award winners exhibition”, October 5-26, 2007.
“Annual thumb-box exhibition”, December 3 – January 4, 2007.
“Winter and winter holiday : theme exhibition”, December 3 – January 4, 2007.
“124th annual members exhibition”, January 7 – February 1, 2008.
“Urban life : theme exhibition”, January 7 – February 1, 2008.
“Spring auction exhibition”, March 3-28, 2008.
“My favorite subject / my favorite work : theme exhibition”, March 3-28, 2008.
“American masters”
“Junior & scholarship exhibition”, May 9-18, 2008.
“Artist John Grabach exhibition”, May 20 – June 13, 2008.
“Juried photo & graphics for non-members”, June 16-27, 2008.
“City workers exhibition awards”, June?, 2008.
“COGAP collection inaugural exhibition”, June 23 – July 11, 2008.
“Annual juried photography & graphics exhibition for non-members”, June 16-27, 2008.
“Scholarship & junior members exhibition”, January 5-23, 2009.
“SCNY art class exhibition”, January 5-23, 2009.
“History illustration theme exhibition”, January 26 – February 13, 2009.
“Something old, something new exhibition”, February 2-26, 2009.
“Fraunces Tavern Museum NY waterways”, February 17 – March 1, 2009.
“Spring auction exhibition”, March 2-27, 2009.
“‘The object project’ : theme exhibition”, March 2-27, 2009.
“Spring art auction exhibition”, March 2-27, 2009.
“Cleaning of palettes”, April 21, 2009
“American masters exhibition”, April 29 – May 7, 2009.
“President’s dinner”, April 23, 2009.
“Annual juried photography and graphics exhibition for non-members”, June 15-25, 2009.
“Annual juried painting & sculpture exhibition for non-members”, June 29 – July 1, 2009.
“Coast Guard art program collection”, June 22 – July 10, 2009.
“Contemporary expressions : theme exhibition”, June 13- August 7, 2009.
Godel & Co., Steuben Gallery, New York, NY, “Gary Erbe exhibition”, 2009.
“Gary Erbe 40 year retrospective”, July 13 – August 7, 2009.
“Portrait : theme exhibition”, August 10 – September 11, 2009.
“Potpourri exhibition”, August 10 – September 11, 2009.
“Fall auction exhibition”, October 5-30, 2009.
“Those delectable vices : theme exhibition”, October 5-30, 2009.
“126th annual members exhibition”, November 16-27, 2009.
“Red, white and black : theme exhibition”, November 16 – December 4, 2009.
“101st annual thumb-box exhibition”, December 7, 2009 – January 1, 2010.
“Winter 7 winter holiday : theme exhibition”, December 7 – January 1, 2010.
“Junior & scholarship exhibition”, 2010.
“SCNY art classes exhibition”, January 4-22, 2010.
“The annual black and white exhibition”, January 25 – February 12, 2010.
“Black and white through the years 1871 – present”, January 25 – February 12, 2010.
“A curators’ copperplate dinner”, February 11, 2010.
SCNY Library, New York, NY, “Paul D. Ortlip memorial exhibition”, February 25 – March 26, 2010.
“Kevin Macpherson exhibition”, February 15-26, 2010.
“Spring auction exhibition”, March 1-18, 2010.
“First annual Sylvia Maria Glesmann : floral theme exhibition”, March 1 – April 2, 2010.
“Ellen Buselli : the elements of still-life painting”, March 20-21, 2010.
“Annual library dinner & auction”, March 25, 2010.
The National Academy, New York, NY, “Carmine Branagan : honoring the past, creating the future”, 2010.
“The first-ever Salmagundi big picture exhibition”, March 22 – April 2, 2010.
“American masters”, May 5-16, 2010.
“American masters returns to Salmagundi Club”, April 2, 2010.
“Black and white through the years”, May 4-16, 2010.
“Cleaning of palettes”, May 15, 2010.
“John C. Traynor exhibition & sale”, May 18-23, 2010.
George Billis Gallery, New York, NY, “Andrew Jones exhibition”, May 25 – July 3, 2010.
“The noble nocturne : theme exhibition”, May 17 – June 4, 2010.
“In the news : theme exhibition”, June 7 – July 9, 2010.
“Annual juried photography and graphics exhibition for non-members”, June 28 – July 9, 2010
“33rd annual juried painting and sculpture exhibition for non-members”, July 12-23, 2010.
“Judy Pestronk retrospective”, June 28 – July 11, 2010.
“33rd annual juried painting & sculpture exhibition for non-members”, July 12-23, 2010.
“Summer potpourri exhibition”, August 23 – September 10, 2010.
“Audubon Artists’ Inc. 68th annual exhibition”, September 13 – October 1, 2010.
“Fall auction exhibition”, October 4-29, 2010.
“Arts for healing & strokes of genius, LLC : special president’s exhibition”, October 4-15, 2010.
“Collage & mixed media”, October 4-29, 2010.
“Autumn spirits : theme exhibition”, October 18-29, 2010.
“127th annual members exhibition”, November 15 – December 3, 2010.
“Winter and the holidays : theme exhibition”, November 22 – January 1, 2011.
“102nd annual thumb-box exhibition”, December 6 – January 1, 2011.
“Past, present & future : scholarship & junior 50th anniversary exhibition”, January 3-21, 2011.
“Special president’s exhibition photography & graphics”, January 10 – February 11, 2011.
“The annual black & white exhibition”, January 10 – February 11, 2011.
“Square foot, round feet : theme exhibition”, January 24 – February 11, 2011.
“The eternal landscape exhibition”, February 14-25, 2011.
“Art about art : theme exhibition”, February 14-25, 2011.
“SCNY art classes exhibition”, February 28 – March 18, 2011.
“Second annual Sylvia Maria Glesman floral exhibition”, February 28 – March 30, 2011.
“Spring auction exhibition”, February 28 – March 30, 2011.
“Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club annual members exhibition”, March 20 – April 1, 2011.
“Special president’s ‘best of the best’ watercolor & pastel exhibition”, March 21 – April 22, 2011.
“Salmagundi abroad : works from the permanent collection”, May 24 – June 13, 2011.
“National Society of Painters in casein and acrylic : 57th anniversary annual”, May 23 – June 10, 2011.
“Scenes from abroad : theme exhibition”, June 13 – July 15, 2011.
“The Salmagundi Club celebrates 3 generations of Salmagundi artists : J. Carlton Wiggins, Guy C. Wiggins and Guy A. Wiggins”, June 12 – July 1, 2011.
“Max Ginsberg retrospective exhibition”, July 18 – August 5, 2011.
“City life : theme exhibition”, July 18 – August 5, 2011.
“3rd annual juried painting and sculpture exhibition for non-members”, August 8-19, 2011.
“Annual juried photography and graphics exhibition for non-members”, August 8-19, 2011.
“Summer potpourri exhibition”, August 22 – September 9, 2011.
“Manton Foundation grant supports renovation”, September 19.
“Fall exhibition”, October 3-28, 2011.
“Pioneer women : first ladies of the Salmagundi Club”, October 16-28, 2011.
“Second annual Salmagundi plein air exhibition”, November 14-27, 2011.
“128th annual members exhibition”, November 14-27, 2011.
“103rd annual thumb-box exhibition”, December 5 – January 1, 2012.
“Winter and the holidays : theme exhibition”, December 5 – January 1, 2012.
“Junior & scholarship member’s exhibition”, January 3-20, 2012.
“SCNY art classes exhibition”, January 3-20, 2012.
“The historic black and white exhibition”, January 23 – February 10, 2012.
“Spring auction exhibition”, February 13 – March 16, 2012.
“Third annual Sylvia Maria Glesman floral exhibition”, March 5-30, 2012.
“Almost everything you ever wanted to know about pastels : Claudia Seymour, PSA”, March 4, 2012.
“Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club Inc. annual members show”, March 18-20, 2012.
“Ebb & Flow : Coastal paintings Joseph Perez and convergence : New York – Edinburgh”, April 1-15, 2012.
“Early academic drawings from the permanent collection of the Art Students’ League of New York on loan to the Salmagundi Club”, April 26 – May 11, 2012.
“Latin American landscape panel by Katherine Manthorne”, April 25, 2012.
“Our illustrious heritage : Salmagundi and American illustration”, April 25 – May 11, 2012.
“American masters exhibition”, April 25 – May 10, 2012.
“National Society of Painters in casein and acrylic : 58th anniversary annual”, May 14 – June 1, 2012.
“Everyone talks about the weather, but only artists do something about it : theme exhibition”, June 18 – July 7, 2012.
“Director Kathleen Arffmann says good-bye”, August 4, 2012.
“Prospectus annual juried photo and graphic exhibition”, August 1-10, 2012.
“Annual juried photography and graphic exhibition of non-members”, August 14-24, 2012.
“Michael Budden wins Laumeister top prize”, August 22, 2012.
“Jeanne Rosier Smith takes top prize in IAPS exhibition”, August 29, 2012.
“Sunset / sunrise : silent auction”, September 17 – October 5, 2012.
“Drawings : them exhibition [pool library]”, September 17 – October 5, 2012.
“Fall auction exhibition”, October 8 – November 2, 2012.
“Live auction thumb-box : the tile show”, October 12, 2012.
“Memoriam : Malcolm Mackenzie, RA1971, July 7, 2012”, October 12, 2012.
“Mood indigo : reception & Halloween get-together”, October 18, 2012.
“Small works – Maceo Mitchell and Patricia J. Wynne”, October 7-19, 2012.
“New Year SRO brunch”, January 1, 2013.
“Junior / scholarship exhibition”, January 3-18, 2013.
“Art class exhibition reception”, January 10, 2013.
“Third semi-annual overnight draw-a-thon”, January 11-12, 2013.
“President’s dinner : Pam Singleton and Tom Picard”, January 24, 2013.
“SCNY / Stecher and Horowitz Foundation : Agne Radzeviciute”, February 21, 2013.
“Black and white exhibition”
“Utrecht-ampersand-SCNY tile exhibition”, January 24 –
“Noble nocturne exhibition”
“Monotype exhibition”,
“Mitch Kahn’s soiree launch at Salmagundi”, January 30, 2013.
“February monotype party”, February 5, 2013.
“Spring auction exhibition”, February 11 – March 8, 2013.
“Spring auction awards reception”, February 14, 2013.
“Glimpses behind the easel : the Alexander Katlan collection an exhibition and sale of artwork at the Salmagundi Club to benefit renovation project”, February 19-25, 2013.
“Watercolor materials demo by Sharon Way-Howard”, February 23, 2013.
“Fourth annual Sylvia Maria Glesmann floral exhibition”, February 25 – March 28, 2013.
“Academy awards soiree”, February 28, 2013.
“Georgette Sinclair : recent works”, March 2-8, 2013.
“Spring auction, third group”, March 8, 2013.
“March monotype party”, March 13, 2013.
“St. Patrick’s Day soiree”, March 15, 2013.
“Tango fever : March Milonga”, March 15, 2013.
“COGAP sponsored acrylics demo by Joe Gyurcsak”, March 16, 2013.
“The Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club annual member exhibition : awards reception”, March 22, 2013.
“Mohammed Yousuf : retired century association comptroller, art collector & Salmagundian”, March 24, 2013.
“Spring soiree : Diane Perry”, March 28, 2013.
Parton’s Gallery, “Antonio Masi : The creative spark”, April 2, 2013.
“April Soiree”, April 12, 2013.
“Tango fever : April Milonga”, April 12, 2013.
“Del-Bourree Bach : calm, cool…and collected”, April 16, 2013.
“SCNY at the New York Academy of Art, spring open studio”, April 19, 2013.
Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, skylight gallery, “Making a splash : watercolors from the salmagundi collection”, April 22 – May 1, 2013.
“Panel discussion : how do I know when it’s art & when it’s not?”, April 23, 2013.
“Library dinner : B. A. Shapiro, author”, April 24, 2013.
“Roundtable crit with Sharon Way-Howard and guest Jeffrey Beman”, May 14, 2013.
“Mentoring with the masters : Gregg Kreutz, Leah Lopez, Sherrie McGraw and Lea Colie Wight”, May 14, 2013.
“Tango fever – 2012-2013 season finale”, May 17, 2013.
“Soirees @ SCNY 2012-2013 season finale”
“Fourth semi-annual overnight draw-a-thon”, June 8-9, 2013.
“Pop-up monotype party”, July 17, 2013.
National Arts Club, New York, NY, “Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club : 117th annual open juried exhibition”, October 1-25, 2013.
“Fall auction exhibition”, October 24 – November 15, 2013.
“Monotype party”, November 5, 2013.
“105th annual thumb-box exhibition”, November 18, 2013 – January 3, 2014.
“Monotype party”, December 3, 2013.
“105th annual thumb-box exhibition”, November 18, 2013 – January 3, 2014.
“An exhibition and sale of art by maritime master John Stobart”, April 22 – May 22, 2014.
“Junior & scholarship members’ open house exhibition [five day exhibition in tandem with the SCNY Drawathon]”, July 6-11, 2014.
“Noble nocturnes exhibition”, July 14-25, 2014.
“Fine art special sale event : auctions & American masters”, October 14-24, 2014.
“Anthony Santomauro : omnipresence of emotion”, October 14-24, 2014.
“Annual Audubon Artists, Inc. exhibition”, October 27 – November 7, 2014.
“The 2014 James Beck memorial and reception lecture”, November 6, 2014.
“Mystery Book Club presents a performance by the Viking Theater Company of the adventure of the tolling bell”, November 10, 2014.
“Portraits, Inc. exhibition”, November 13-20, 2014.
“AAPL : Joe Gyurcsak demonstration”, November 15, 2014.
“AAPL : John A. Varriano demonstration”, November 19, 2014.
“December tango : open dancing and artist drawing”, December 12, 2014.
“Sketch group in the library”, December 13, 2014.
“Gregg Kreutz 2-day workshop”, December 13-14, 2014.
Denise Bibro Gallery, New York, NY, “Selected junior scholarship members of the Salmagundi Club exhibition”, December 18, 2014 – January 31, 2015.
Denise Bibro Gallery, New York, NY, “Selected junior scholarship members of the Salmagundi Club exhibition”, December 18, 2014 – January 31, 2015.
“New members exhibition”, January 5-30, 2015.
“Sketch group in the library with live model”, January 10, 2015.
“Monotype party”, January 13, 2015.
“Manhattan art book club”, January 17, 2015.
“Annual black & white exhibition”, January 19 – February 5, 2015.
“Topics for arts professionals through the eyes of art lawyers”, January 21, 2015.
“Capturing water in an oil painting : reflections, light and movement with Joe Gyurcsak”, January 24, 2015.
“Member collector exhibition”, January 26 – February 5, 2015.
“Strathmore : the essentials of paper”, January 29, 2015.
“Mardi Gras buffet & members’ meeting”, February 5, 2015.
“Understanding contemporary oil painting materials”, February 10, 2015.
“Il Cuore Canta presents carnevale amoroso”, February 15, 2015.
“Canta Libre in concert”, February 19, 2015.
“Honeymoon tango : open dancing & drawing”, February 20, 2015.
“Manhattan art book club”, February 21, 2015.
“Oscar Brunch : songs that won the Academy Award featuring Mitch Kahn”, February 22, 2015.
“February mystery book club”, February 25, 2015.
“February monotype party”, February 25, 2015.
“Cold cash, creative capital and other money matters of interest to arts professionals”, March 11, 2015.
“Members’ sketch group in the library”, March 14, 2015.
“Works on paper exhibition & sale”, March 16-27, 2015.
“March monotype party”, March 25, 2015.
“Steamboats on the Hudson : the Greenwich Village waterfront, a history with Liz McEnaney”, March 31, 2015.
“Own a piece of Salmagundi one day sale”, April 1, 2015.
“Leah Lopez atelier school of fine art annual exhibition”, April 6-12, 2015.
“148th annual international exhibition of the American Watercolor Society”, April 6-26, 2015.
“Stecher & Horowitz Foundation : young artist series – piano concert”, April 8, 2015.
“Artist round table – ‘usually first Tuesday’ moves to Monday in April”, April 13, 2015.
“Alan Siegel : paintings and pastels”, April 13-27, 2015.
“An evening featuring music and paintings inspired by the sea”, April 16, 2015.
“Manhattan art book club”, April 18, 2015.
“Special exhibition of works by Sylvia Maria Glesmann”, April 27 – May 21, 2015.
“April mystery book club”, April 27, 2015.
“Annual library dinner”, April 29, 2015.
“Salmagundi’s gargoyles & plaster sculpture in New York architecture”, May 6, 2015.
“Monotype demonstration and workshop”, May 9, 2015.
“Manhattan art book club”, May 16, 2015.
“Fresh perspectives on collecting art : a panel discussion for collectors and arts professionals”, May 20, 2015.
“Monotype party”, May 27, 2015.
“Mystery book club”, May 27, 2015.
“Salmagundi Club in Vermont”, May 30 – July 26, 2015.
“General membership meeting”, June 2, 2015.
“The Catharine Lorillard Wolfe art club annual members exhibition”, June 7-19, 2015.
“The portrait from life : David Gray 4-day workshop”, June 11-14, 2015.
“Tango in the parlor”, June 12, 2015.
“Sketch group in the library with live model”, June 13, 2015.
“The ghost army of World War II”, June 14-26, 2015.
“PAI photography exhibit”, June 15-26, 2015.
“The ghost army of World War II : documentary film screening”, June 18, 2015.
“The National Society of Painters in casein and acrylic”, June 21 – July 10, 2015.
“Dining room closes for the season”, June 26, 2015.
“Plein air paint-out are back!”, June 27, 2015.
“Salmagundi Club in Vermont”, May 30 – July 26, 2015.
“The National Society of Painters in casein and acrylic”, June 21 – July 10, 2015.
Lower gallery, “Charles Yoder linocut workshop”, July 7, 2015.
“Inaugural exhibition of the Coast Guard art collection”, July 12-24, 2015.
“Nautical show : theme exhibition”, July 13-24, 2015.
“Annual juried photography & graphics non-members exhibition”, July 27 – August 7, 2015.
“Summer exhibition”, August 10-28, 2015.
“Manhattan Art Book Club”, August 15, 2015.
“The merchant’s misfortune : the merchant’s house museum – a tale of survival”, August 19, 2015.
“August monotype party”, June 24, 2015.
Patrons’ Gallery, “C.S. Lewis Institute exhibition”, September 3-14, 2015.
“Mitch Kahn: Soiree at the Salmagundi Club”, September 10, 2015.
“Members’ sketch group in the library with live model”, September 12, 2015.
“Manhattan Art Book Club”, September 12, 2015.
“Virtuosos of the OPA exhibition”, September 17 – October 1, 2015.
“Inside and out … dual visions : paintings by James W Bruce and Scott L Christensen”, September 17 – October 1, 2015.
“George Gallo Exhibition” September 17 – October 1, 2015.
“Oil Painters of America presents Everett Raymond Kinstler, OPAM, at the Salmagundi Club”, September 18, 2015.
Lower gallery, “Local color : written & directed by George Gallo”, September 19, 2015.
“Monotype party”, September 30, 2015.
“September Mystery Book Club”, September 30, 2015.
“Inside and out…dual visions : paintings by James W Bruce and Scott L Christensen”, September 17 – October 1, 2015.
“Virtuosos of the OPA exhibition”, September 17 – October 1, 2015.
“George Gallo exhibition”, September 17 – October 1, 2015.
“October members meeting”, October 1, 2015.
“The ever-so-rare saturday brunch”, October 3, 2015.
“Fall auctions”, October 5-23, 2015.
“Quang Ho exhibition”, October 5-23, 2015.
“Quang Ho oil painting demonstration at the Salmagundi Club”, October 10, 2015.
“Quang Ho workshop”, October 11 – October 13, 2015.
“Discover art on Columbus Day – SCNY galleries are open”, October 12, 2015.
“American masters panel discussion : seeing in the dark – sponsored by The Newington Cropsy Foundation, moderated by Peter Trippi”, October 14, 2015.
“Fall auction brunch”, October 18, 2015.
“Mystery Book Club”, October 28, 2015.
“Halloween tango”, October 30, 2015.
“Sylvan winds : music of the gilded age”, November 12, 2015.
“November tango”, November 13, 2015.
Parlor, “Manhattan Art Book Club”, November 14, 2015.
“Sketch group in the library”, November 14, 2015.
“Thumb-box exhibition & sale”, November 23, 2015 – January 1, 2016.
“November Mystery Book Club”, November 25, 2015.
“Thumb-box exhibition & sale”, November 23, 2015 – January 1, 2016.
“Manhattan Art Book Club”, December 12, 2015.
“New York, N.Y. & rural visions : Joseph P. Grieco”, December 13-19, 2015.
“December monotype party”, December 16, 2015.
“Mystery Book Club”, December 30, 2015.
“Thumb-box exhibition & sale”, November 23, 2015 – January 1, 2016.
“New Year’s day thumb-box brunch”, January 1, 2016.
Parlor, “Manhattan Art Book Club”, January 2, 2016.
“Junior & scholarship members’ exhibition”, January 4-15, 2016.
“Hot off the press : monotype exhibition & sale”, January 5-15, 2016.
“Selections from the Newton collection”, January 18-29, 2016.
“Mystery Book Club”, January 27, 2016.
Behind the Scenes at Salmagundi: Lee Vasu | January 06, 2021, 6PM Online Zoom
Junior and Scholarship Exhibition | January 11, 2021 – January 29, 2021
Lecture – Salmagundi Musical Get Together on Zoom | January 21, 2021. Online Zoom, 6:00PM
Event – Mystery Book & Video Club: Broken Harbour by Tana French | January 26, 2021
Discussion – Salmagundi Art Club’s 150th Year Anniversary – Prestigious Library Commission | February 01, 2021 – June 01, 2021
Competition – Salmagundi Art Club’s 150th Year Anniversary – Prestigious Library Commission | February 01, 2021 – June 01, 2021
Salmagundi Club Library Committee Exhibition | February 01, 2021 – April 11, 2021
Figuratively Speaking: An Exhibition of Portraiture & Figurative Art | February 02, 2021 – February 19, 2021
Behind the Scenes: Janet A. Cook, Artist and Teacher | February 05, 2021 – 6PM, Online Zoom; Registration Required
Mystery Book & Video Club: The D Star by Jo Nesbo and Netflix Series Bodyguard February 23, 2021 Discussion
SCNY “Black & White” Exhibition March | February 23, 2021 – March 12, 2021
Salmagundi Club Library Committee Exhibition | February 01, 2021 – April 11, 2021
Art Competition – Salmagundi Virtual Biennial Members Meeting: ONLINE ONLY | April 07, 2021
Spring Auction to Benefit Salmagundi | 2021 March 16, 2021 – April 09, 2021 – Auction Date: Friday, April 9
American Watercolor Society 154th Exhibition | April 12, 2021 – April 30, 2021
2021 Spring Auction “Second Chance” Sale | April 26, 2021 – May 21, 2021
Meeting – Mystery Book & Video Club: This Is A Robbery: The World’s Biggest Art Heist | April 27, 2021
Territorial Perceptions: Pier Forlano| | May 02, 2021 – May 08, 2021
2021 Annual Members Exhibition | May 03, 2021 – May 20, 2021
Discussion – From Life: 3rd SCNY Drawing Competition of the Draped Figure: Celebrating 150th | Year Anniversary | May 16, 2021
Discussion – Spring Fling Art Chat | May 18, 2021
2021 Open Cityscapes Exhibition | June 07, 2021 – June 24, 2021
Antonio Cirino (1889-1983): Four Seasons | June 10, 2021 – August 01, 2021
43rd Annual Open Exhibition in Painting, Sculpture & Graphics | June 12, 2021 – June 23, 2021
43rd Annual Open Exhibition in Photography | June 26, 2021 – July 06, 2021
Event – Mystery Book & Video Club: The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman | June 28, 2021
Demonstration & Lecture – Salmagundi New York History Pub Quiz | June 30, 2021
Team Quiz Event – Salmagundi Members’ Drink and Draw | July 29, 2021
1880 – Something: Victorian Art at Its Height | August 1, 2021 – November 4, 2021
SCNY Summer Exhibition | August 09, 2021 – August 27, 2021
Drawing Event – From Life: Fifth Salmagundi Oil Portrait Sketching Competition | August 22, 2021
Dean Cornwell: Head and Shoulders Above | September 1, 2021 – September 9, 2021
Allied Artists of America Exhibition | September 01, 2021 – September 19, 2021
12th Annual Sylvia Maria Glesmann Members’ Exhibition | September 13, 2021 – October 01, 2021
Painting Competition – Salmagundi Great Paint out in New York City | September 18, 2021– 9AM, Washington Park, New York City
Fall Auctions to Benefit Salmagundi | September 27, 2021 – October 22, 2021
Location: Building As Subject | September 27, 2021 – October 25, 2022
Funny Looks: Character Cartoons | September 27, 2021 – January 31, 2022
Demonstration & Lecture – Mystery Book & Video Club: The Witch Elm and Clickbait | September 28, 2021, 6PM, Online Zoom
Dutch Works from the Salmagundi Collection | October 2, 2021 – November 21, 2021
Tonalism at Salmagundi | October 5, 2021 – November 25, 2021
Discussion – Salmagundi Members’ Meeting | October 7, 2021, 7:30 – 9PM, Online Zoom
Meeting – Salmagundi Junior Club Pub Night: The Emotional Side of Covid & How to Cope | October 15, 2021, 6PM
Noah Buchanan: Library Studies | October 17, 2021 – January 1, 2022
Pub Talk: Golden Age of Advertising | October 20, 2021
Audubon Artists Exhibition | October 25, 2021 – November 05, 2021
Concert – Coffee House Halloween Concert – October 27, 2021
Discussion – Mystery book & video club: Transient Desires & Innocent | October 28, 2021
Concert – One Music Project: French-American ensemble piano trios | October 29, 2021
Lecture & Discussion – Poetry in the Bar | November 4, 2021
Promenade En Plein Air Exhibition | November 01, 2021 – November 07, 2021
Allegory Today: The Library Commission Competition Entrants | November 8, 2021 – November 19, 2021
American Artist Professional League Exhibition | November 08, 2021 – November 19, 2021
Small & Mighty: Newly Conserved Thumb-box | November 10, 2021 – January 31, 2022
Drawing Event – Drink and Draw | November 11, 2021
Dazzle: Jewelry Drawings from the Antonio Cirino Collection | November 15, 2021 – January 31, 2022
Annual Library Dinner | November 17, 2021
113th SCNY Thumb Box Exhibition & Sale | November 22, 2021 – December 31, 2021
Bil Baird and Olga Felgemacher: A Narrative Legacy | November 25, 2021 – January 30, 2022|
Discussion – Mystery Book & Video Club: Dark Tide Rising & Gone for Good | November 30, 2021
Team Quiz Event – New York History Pub Quiz | November 30, 2021
Works of Joseph P. Grieco | December 5 – 11, 2021, Thomas Moran Gallery
Lecture – GVSHP presents: The Salmagundi Club’s 150th Anniversary | December 7, 2021, Online Zoom
Demonstration & Lecture – Monotype Party | December 7, 2021
Lecture by the Coffee House – Competing with Idiots: Herman and Joe Mankiewicz, A Dual Portrait | December 8, 2021
Meeting – Salmagundi Members’ Meeting – Skylight Gallery & Parlor | December 9, 2021
Jane Sklar & Max Cartagena | December 12 – 18, 2021, Thomas Moran Gallery
Lecture by the Coffee House – Nature Photography: Submerged | December 15, 2021
Concert – One Music Project: French-American Ensemble Piano Trios | December 18 & 19, 2021
Lecture – Multi-media Puppet Talk with Flexitoon | December 21, 2021