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A R T I S T   P A P E R S


H E N R Y   “ H E N N O ”   M I C H A E L   O ’ C O N N O R ,   1 8 9 1 – 19 7 5   P A P E R S

The club owns approximately 400 documents, contained within two large archival binders, from the estate of the late artist Club member.

Henry “Henno” Michael O’Connor (1891-1975) was an American portrait and cityscape painter, illustrator, engraver, boxer, Navy veteran and art educator. O’Connor trained at the Massachusetts Normal Art School, Boston, MA (1906-1910), Museum School of Art, Boston, MA (1915-1916), Academe Julian, Paris, France (1921-1922), Kingston School, London, England (1921), City College of New York, NY (1934-1935) and Fordham University, New York, NY (1934-1935). The artist assisted Abbott Handerson Thayer (1849-1921) in etching at his studio in Dublin, NH for two years (1919-1921). He belonged to many clubs, including the Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, artist member 1932-1975, where he served as president from 1947-1948.


W I L L I A M   J O H N   W H I T T E M O R E ,   1 8 6 0 – 1 9 5 5   P A P E R S

The library owns several hundred documents from the late artist Club member, William John Whittemore, 1860-1955.

William John Whittemore (1860-1955) was an American impressionist painter, miniaturist and teacher with work spanning more than 65 years. Whittemore trained at the National Academy of Design under William Matthew Hart (1830-1908) and Lemuel Everett Wilmarth (1835-1918) (1882-1886), the Art Student’s League of New York under James Carroll Beckwith (1852-1917) (1885), Academie Julian, Paris, France under J. J. Benjamin Constant (1845-1902) and Jules Joseph Lefebvre (1836-1911) (1888-1889). He was a member of many organizations including the Salmagundi Club, New York, NY.

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